Chuck and Blair
(ex) Sexing it up everywhere they go! HOT! :) but EWB (enemies with benefits) instead of reuniting?? NOOOOOOO! It's pretty funny that they're both trying to "end" their relationship, yet they're obsessed with having sex with each other....HAHA. So they decide to do "immersion therapy" for Blair it means running away from Chuck, for Chuck it equals as much sex as possible within the next 24 hours. DAMN. But Chuck's theory about excess is pretty true...but hate sex + public take down = let's fall in love again. <3 YAY!
Serena and Colin
Wait, why all of a sudden is Dan giving Serena advice about her and Colin's relationship?? And he's asking her why Colin just doesn't quit his job for her??? They haven't even started a relationship yet, isn't Dan being a little overdramatic here? Well, at least he's giving Serena some doubts and helpful advice, and the way the treated Colin right after was downright icy. Narcissistic much? But Colin did it, for her, *rolls eyes* so that they could be together. CHEESY, SAPPY, GROSS! Serena gets whatever she wants. So annoying! While others just bite the dust, like Dan (harhar it's okay, I don't really like him anyways). But randomly, Serena freaking breaks up with Colin AGAIN! WTF. I see a Nate-Dan-Serena love triangle in the that Juliet, Vanessa, and Colin are out of the picture....
Juliet's trying to turn over a new leaf. Listen to her cousin, Colin, who is giving her money and shutting her brother out of her life. But for so many reasons, I can't ever accept Juliet as anything but deranged. And now we're finding out a little more about Juliet's equally shady brother, Ben. 26 yr-old convict, optimistic happy teacher who was forced to plead guilty? That's like 10 contradictions right there.
Nate FINALLY figured out that Juliet is a shady ass mother effer! YAY! Now we can finally see Juliet go down~! Literally what I've been waiting for this whole season. And he enlisted the help of Vanessa (who was also burned by Juliet). So in order to figure out what's up with Juliet, Nate is trying to be her "friend" (frenemy anyone?). But she spins the "I'm poor" story on Nate. ARGH. That doesn't make it okay that you're a shady ass bitch! wtv, Nate fell for it bc he's such a sweet guy. DAMN IT. But good thing Vanessa's a bomb ass spy. She's a nosy bitch and found out that Juliet took a picture of Serena + Colin. But she's a freaking GANGSTER for reals, stalked her on FB's FourSquare and figured out where she lives. DAMN....
But anyways, Vanessa, instead of exposing her as a shady bitch, wants to work WITH Juliet to take down Serena with the photos that she found of Serena and Colin for vindication. DAMN. Vanessa = feisty bitch. But Juliet says no, because she wants to keep getting money, damn, no effing morals. Oh yeah, also, every time GG makes me want to like Vanessa, they remind me again how much I HATE HER. UGH. She's such a killjoy, but she's right that Serena gets away with anything and everything. So she convinced Juliet to help her turn her into the Dean. And Juliet gets A+ effed over by Blair, Nate, and Chuck. Damn, those are so good Juliet not only ruins her reputation with the Dean, she gots no more monies in the bank, and no more friends!!!! No Columbia for you?? SUCKER! Peace, bitch! I hope you don't come back!!!!! (Maybe that's why the title is what it is...)
Uh oh, Juliet and Vanessa are working with Jenny now?! WTF. The trifecta of the 3 most annoying people on the show. ARGH....why can't you 3 just go away!
Favorite quote: "KGB can't get me to talk; Chuck Bass has no chance!" --Dorota as said to Chuck BAHAHAHAHAHA
Last remarks
Serena's dress for Ballet's opening night= F-U-G-L-Y. I saw it on some other blog already, and I must agree that this dress is more Jenny-esque than Serena. It looks tacky and hooker-like. WHAT HAPPENED??? On the bright side, Juliet's hair, dress, and makeup look AMAZING! I guess they have to pick someone to be ugly...But GG makes it look like Juliet's supposed to be ugly...weirdddddd
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