Monday, November 29, 2010

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Part 1) (2010)

Damn, it was good, I want to watch it again...Actually no, I want to read it again, from Book 1, from the Sorceror's Stone...Can't wait to finish the series in time for next July when the 2nd part of the movie comes out~! It's going to be the end of the HP era, something I am extra NOT looking forward to. I "heard" that JK Rowling MIGHT come out with more HP books...I don't know how I feel about it. I love Harry Potter and all, but you wrote about the Chosen One, if she writes another one, who's it going to be? If it's HP's kids I'll be pissed! Maybe it'll be future Hogwarts or even pre-Hogwarts era? Whatever happens, I'm excited either way. JK Rowling doesn't "need" it, she's freaking rich as hell, but if she does, man...<3

Anyways, the movie ended off exactly where the 6th stopped, with Scrimgeour's press conference and ended around Dobby's funeral-y thing...I guess the next movie will be a continuation of finding the Hocruxes, the epic Hogwarts battle, and the Harry vs. Voldemort face off! WOOT! Excited already! It comes out July 15th, countdown I say! It would've been way better to end it at the beginning, July 31st, Harry Potter's birthday, but I mean that's just my opinion.

OKAY, back to the movie...followed the book pretty well, well actually I didn't have time to re-read the book before I watched the movie, but from what I remembered with my goldfish brain, it was right for the most part. I mean, they changed it...OBVIOUSLY for cinematic reasons and to make it more entertaining but it was still pretty good. The movie ended, rightly so, not on TOO MUCH off a cliff hanger like all of the LOTR movies, but still leaving HP fans wanting more! YES! Anyways, the HP movies are just getting better and better, I remember the first book I was PISSED that it didn't follow the book, but I mean, how are you going to cram a 300 book in like 2 hours??? Still angry at the movie though. New director = better movies! YAY! <3

Can't wait for HP movie marathons to go down~! YAY! Haven't watched the first 5 movies in FOREVER! And let's imagine like 20 years down the line when they decide to re-film the SO MANY other series that we're seeing re-filmed in either movie or TV format! It's like endless possibilities with HP!

Excited for:

  1. Deathly Hallows Part 2. July 15th, 2011, can't wait!
  2. Future HP series?
  3. Re-read all of the books
  5. Re-film of the books like 20 years down the line...maybe?
To people who hate Harry Potter:
I am truly sorry that you feel this way, but I get it. I feel the exact same way about Twilight...yeah I haven't read the books or watched the movies, so who am I to judge...But just the tween craze of it all drives me INSANE. Therefore, I understand if you despise everyone in the world for liking HP. I get it, just ignore all the annoying people, like me for instance. HAHA. Good luck, and try not to have the urge to slap someone in the face when they mention HP.

Let's do this~!

Movie Grade: B+

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