Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Top 5 Movies That I'm Looking Forward To...

Hey guys, so I know this blog is mostly about TV shows, but I just want to tell you some of the Top 5 movies that I'm looking forward to in the next couple of months, not going to lie, I'm looking to bumming around and watching movies during the winter break, but I'll be in Taipei, Shanghai and London so I can't really. Sad about the movies, but also excited about these movies...

  1. Black Swan
    1. Release Date: December 1st, 2010
    2. Story line:
      1. A dark and suspense filled movie about the inner workings and rivalry of the Ballet World.  Nina spent most of her life obsessed with rising up in the ballet world, yet it is threatened by a competing dancer, Lily. Sounds lame and childish? Definitely not. It is rated R after all, does anyone know about any other ballet movie that is rated R? When it opened for the Venice Film Festival, at the end, there was a standing ovation from the crowd full of critics and film buffs. Are you a little more interested now?
    3. Main Actors/Actresses
      1. Natalie Portman, Mila Kunis, Winona Ryder
  2. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Part I)
    1. Release Date: November 19th, 2010
    2. Story Line:
      1. For all those who love Harry Potter, the movies are finally coming to an end. Sad. Good for the people who think that HP is totally overrated I guess, that's how I feel about the Twilight trilogy after all. For those of you who've read the books, you definitely know what's going down here and understand why it's being split into two movies. Every chapter, every page, every word in this book is absolutely tied into the ultimate end of the Harry Potter series. Harry Potter along with Ron and Hermione venture around the Wizarding world looking for the Hocruxes to finally destroy Voldemort after all. For serious Potter fans, I recommend reading the book beforehand to refresh your memory a little. I'm excited, are you? :) The HP movies just get better and better as time goes on, with better directors, cinematographers, and of course, most importantly: more experienced actors.
    3. Main Actors/Actresses:
      1. Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, and Rupert Grint
  3. TRON: Legacy
    1. Release Date: December 17th, 2010
    2. Story Line:
      1. This movie is released by Disney, which is exciting because Disney is releasing more and more non-PG movies! They're getting smarter by expanding their audiences to the older generation. Disney originally released this movie on a made-for-TV movie in the 1980s with "innovative" technology. So technically, this is actually a sequel!
      2. 20 years ago, Sam is still mad about how his Dad, a video game guru mysteriously disappeared. As he enters the world of TRON, which his dad created, he realizes that he has to help his father, Kevin Flynn, escape the virtual prison that has taken hold of his life.
      3. Another reason why I'm excited: Daft Punk is doing all of the music for the movie, so expect amazing music to come out of this movie~!
      4. Anyways, my favorite part about this movie: the use of B-list actors. it reminds me slightly of how Star Trek made Chris Pine, Zoe Saldana and John Cho household names. B-list actor movies I think are way better than using A-list actors, it sets the bar a little lower so when you do get blown away by the movie, you know it's because of the story line, not because Brad Pitt is just so hot.
    3. Main Actors/Actresses:
      1. Jeff Bridges, Olivia Wilde, Garret Hedlund
  4. The Green Hornet
    1. Release Date: January 14th, 2011
    2. Story line:
      1. Britt Reid is the typical trust fund baby, happily living the life of a directionless party animal. When his father mysteriously dies, he wants to become a superhero in order to give his life some meaning. With the help of his father's employees, Kato, he sets off on his mission of to battle criminals, by enforcing laws by breaking laws. They are the epitome of the unlikely surprise superheroes. Should be pretty funny, but the reason why I really want to watch this movie is because of Jay Chou, who is one of the most popular celebrities in Asia, I wonder what his English sounds like...
    3. Main Actors/Actresses: 
      1. Seth Rogen & Jay Chou
  5. Due Date
    1. Release Date: November 5th, 2010
    2. Story Line
      1. Peter Highman is trying to get back to Atlanta to watch the live birth of his son, but his travel plans go awry when he runs into the wannabe actor: Ethan Tremblay. You can just imagine all the stuff these two get into because of their clashing personalities.
      2. Should be interesting, Hangover-y, funny, excited, a good comedy which is what we need from all these dark movies that are getting released
    3. Main Actors/actresses
      1. Robert Downey Jr., Zach Galifianakis 
So hopefully I inspired you to look forward to the holiday movies, and expect the reviews to come out as soon as I watch the movies~! Good luck and enjoy the winter hiatus of the many TV series by watching movies~! :)

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