So people have FINALLY realized that The Event kind of sucks, so it's getting axed until February...competition with V, I'm pretty sure The Event will lose but we'll see. I mean, I super dislike V because I watched the first 3 episodes, to give it a chance, and I'm just like WTF, this is so dumb, I mean I miss Flashforward, bring that back ABC!
Anyways, I loved the beginning of The Event, but it just got kind of awry with the horrible acting to the "OMG WHY DIDN'T HE JUST DO THIS" parts, which happens about 50 times per episode. It's so distracting that it makes the show look bad. But the thing is, the story is super original and fresh, I like the storyline which is the main reason why I even watch the show in the first place, but overhaul before Febuary with new actors, ESPECIALLY Lela, and I think we'll have a much better show.
Kk my dear producers at NBC, take all of the fans' advice to heart and change the show for the better~! (Please replace with better actors, they won't be missed, I promise...)
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Part 1) (2010)
Damn, it was good, I want to watch it again...Actually no, I want to read it again, from Book 1, from the Sorceror's Stone...Can't wait to finish the series in time for next July when the 2nd part of the movie comes out~! It's going to be the end of the HP era, something I am extra NOT looking forward to. I "heard" that JK Rowling MIGHT come out with more HP books...I don't know how I feel about it. I love Harry Potter and all, but you wrote about the Chosen One, if she writes another one, who's it going to be? If it's HP's kids I'll be pissed! Maybe it'll be future Hogwarts or even pre-Hogwarts era? Whatever happens, I'm excited either way. JK Rowling doesn't "need" it, she's freaking rich as hell, but if she does, man...<3
Anyways, the movie ended off exactly where the 6th stopped, with Scrimgeour's press conference and ended around Dobby's funeral-y thing...I guess the next movie will be a continuation of finding the Hocruxes, the epic Hogwarts battle, and the Harry vs. Voldemort face off! WOOT! Excited already! It comes out July 15th, countdown I say! It would've been way better to end it at the beginning, July 31st, Harry Potter's birthday, but I mean that's just my opinion.
OKAY, back to the movie...followed the book pretty well, well actually I didn't have time to re-read the book before I watched the movie, but from what I remembered with my goldfish brain, it was right for the most part. I mean, they changed it...OBVIOUSLY for cinematic reasons and to make it more entertaining but it was still pretty good. The movie ended, rightly so, not on TOO MUCH off a cliff hanger like all of the LOTR movies, but still leaving HP fans wanting more! YES! Anyways, the HP movies are just getting better and better, I remember the first book I was PISSED that it didn't follow the book, but I mean, how are you going to cram a 300 book in like 2 hours??? Still angry at the movie though. New director = better movies! YAY! <3
Can't wait for HP movie marathons to go down~! YAY! Haven't watched the first 5 movies in FOREVER! And let's imagine like 20 years down the line when they decide to re-film the SO MANY other series that we're seeing re-filmed in either movie or TV format! It's like endless possibilities with HP!
Excited for:
I am truly sorry that you feel this way, but I get it. I feel the exact same way about Twilight...yeah I haven't read the books or watched the movies, so who am I to judge...But just the tween craze of it all drives me INSANE. Therefore, I understand if you despise everyone in the world for liking HP. I get it, just ignore all the annoying people, like me for instance. HAHA. Good luck, and try not to have the urge to slap someone in the face when they mention HP.
Let's do this~!
Movie Grade: B+
Anyways, the movie ended off exactly where the 6th stopped, with Scrimgeour's press conference and ended around Dobby's funeral-y thing...I guess the next movie will be a continuation of finding the Hocruxes, the epic Hogwarts battle, and the Harry vs. Voldemort face off! WOOT! Excited already! It comes out July 15th, countdown I say! It would've been way better to end it at the beginning, July 31st, Harry Potter's birthday, but I mean that's just my opinion.
OKAY, back to the movie...followed the book pretty well, well actually I didn't have time to re-read the book before I watched the movie, but from what I remembered with my goldfish brain, it was right for the most part. I mean, they changed it...OBVIOUSLY for cinematic reasons and to make it more entertaining but it was still pretty good. The movie ended, rightly so, not on TOO MUCH off a cliff hanger like all of the LOTR movies, but still leaving HP fans wanting more! YES! Anyways, the HP movies are just getting better and better, I remember the first book I was PISSED that it didn't follow the book, but I mean, how are you going to cram a 300 book in like 2 hours??? Still angry at the movie though. New director = better movies! YAY! <3
Can't wait for HP movie marathons to go down~! YAY! Haven't watched the first 5 movies in FOREVER! And let's imagine like 20 years down the line when they decide to re-film the SO MANY other series that we're seeing re-filmed in either movie or TV format! It's like endless possibilities with HP!
Excited for:
- Deathly Hallows Part 2. July 15th, 2011, can't wait!
- Future HP series?
- Re-read all of the books
- Re-film of the books like 20 years down the line...maybe?
I am truly sorry that you feel this way, but I get it. I feel the exact same way about Twilight...yeah I haven't read the books or watched the movies, so who am I to judge...But just the tween craze of it all drives me INSANE. Therefore, I understand if you despise everyone in the world for liking HP. I get it, just ignore all the annoying people, like me for instance. HAHA. Good luck, and try not to have the urge to slap someone in the face when they mention HP.
Let's do this~!
Movie Grade: B+
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Tower Prep: New Kid (S1E1)
Before I begin to say anything else,
The cast and plot are set in a prep school but don't be fooled, dear friends, the targeted audience is obviously tweens between the age of 8-13 years old. I feel cheated (and wayyyyy too old for this). But hey, my loss is, perhaps, your gain. I'll give a digest of each episode and you'll be the judge if it's worthy of your time, assuming you don't fall in the 8-13 year old pool, because if you do, then this series is sorta awesome. Sorta being the keyword here. Anyone above the age of 13 would probably rather watch Glee, Gossip Girls, Skins, The Inbetweeners (I'll bring this awesome series in a bit) and/or more mature shows than Tower Prep. It reminds me of my halcyon days when Mighty Morphing Power Rangers was all the rage. Tower Prep is more sophisticated than Power Rangers but come on, it's 2010, that little bit shouldn't come as a shock to anyone. Unfortunately, Power Rangers has better theme song whereas Tower Prep's rock background music is so annoying and unnecessary.

A quick Google search shows that it's a Canadian-American live action series that's been picked up by Cartoon Network and created by Paul Dini, who famously produced a few DC animated series including Batman Beyond. I don't know know how Canada factors in here because as far as I know, the main cast are all Americans but maybe the shooting locations are in Canada *shrugs* or the investment money is funded by Canadians.

The main guy, rebel I-fit-nowhere Ian Archer, is played by Drew Van Acker who no doubt has a very Drew-Van-Acker face, if you know what I mean. At first glance, he looks somewhat like Bradley James of Merlin fame (the Prince Arthur guy) but few seconds later, that resemblance is all gone except for the moobs. Yes, they both have moobs. Bradley James is a much better actor but it's probably due to age difference, experience and basically, uh, scripts.
So, Ian gets suspended for uppercutting a bully at his former school and when he channels his energy at the multi-player online game he regularly plays, a new player by the name "Whisper 119" comes online, spooks him a bit, logs off, then Ian hears a buzzing and passes out. He wakes up in a dorm room with three uniformed dorm mates - Don, Ray and Zach - who are strangers to him. Nobody knows how he gets there, or how anybody else did for that matter, and the staff - headmaster, coach, teachers, administration Whisper 119 - refuse to enlighten anyone. All he knows now is that his parents know where he is (hokay), that the institution is called Tower Prep, that it's a school for kids to hone their specific unique ability - kinda like the mutant school in X-Men, and that he wants to escape. BADLY.
That night, he sneaks out of the school into the surrounding forestry, only to find that he is atop an island with dangerous cliffs on all sides and the forest is infested with human-sized something dressed in cockroach/insect costumes and helmets with night-vision goggles that emit green and red rays, resembling poisonous praying mantises in the dead of the night!
But Ian isn't alone. Three other students execute their escape plan that night:
Suki - technology-giant's daughter who can imitate people's voices to the T;
C.J - supposedly a hot, popular girl (I don't find her attractive at all), can't remember anything before her life in Tower Prep;
Gabe - bespectacled goofy guy who is shorter than the girls but can talk his way out of anything, an ability called hi-persuasion?
Together with his three new accidental friends, Ian explores a little bit of the forest before deciding that for now, the campus is the safest place to stay and besides, their escape plan needs major refining.
Drew Van Acker is a decent actor for such a series. My only complaint about him is the way he runs. He's supposed to be a quick-tempered athletic dude but he runs through the wood like a little girl going on a morning jog with her puppy - NO SENSE OF URGENCY WHATSOEVER. Has anyone watched Prison Break before? The running/escaping scenes are the best I've seen. However, Van Acker's fighting chops are amazing. He definitely has trained in martial arts before so that's worth watching.
Ian Archer's three mean and immature roommates provide the comedic doses in the show. They may have very short filming parts but the three are wonderful, me thinks. lol. I always like the bad guys. In the first episode alone, they have a scene where they run naked from the shower room to chase after the person who stole their robes. That takes some guts!
Everyone loves a laugh.
The cast and plot are set in a prep school but don't be fooled, dear friends, the targeted audience is obviously tweens between the age of 8-13 years old. I feel cheated (and wayyyyy too old for this). But hey, my loss is, perhaps, your gain. I'll give a digest of each episode and you'll be the judge if it's worthy of your time, assuming you don't fall in the 8-13 year old pool, because if you do, then this series is sorta awesome. Sorta being the keyword here. Anyone above the age of 13 would probably rather watch Glee, Gossip Girls, Skins, The Inbetweeners (I'll bring this awesome series in a bit) and/or more mature shows than Tower Prep. It reminds me of my halcyon days when Mighty Morphing Power Rangers was all the rage. Tower Prep is more sophisticated than Power Rangers but come on, it's 2010, that little bit shouldn't come as a shock to anyone. Unfortunately, Power Rangers has better theme song whereas Tower Prep's rock background music is so annoying and unnecessary.
A quick Google search shows that it's a Canadian-American live action series that's been picked up by Cartoon Network and created by Paul Dini, who famously produced a few DC animated series including Batman Beyond. I don't know know how Canada factors in here because as far as I know, the main cast are all Americans but maybe the shooting locations are in Canada *shrugs* or the investment money is funded by Canadians.
The main guy, rebel I-fit-nowhere Ian Archer, is played by Drew Van Acker who no doubt has a very Drew-Van-Acker face, if you know what I mean. At first glance, he looks somewhat like Bradley James of Merlin fame (the Prince Arthur guy) but few seconds later, that resemblance is all gone except for the moobs. Yes, they both have moobs. Bradley James is a much better actor but it's probably due to age difference, experience and basically, uh, scripts.
So, Ian gets suspended for uppercutting a bully at his former school and when he channels his energy at the multi-player online game he regularly plays, a new player by the name "Whisper 119" comes online, spooks him a bit, logs off, then Ian hears a buzzing and passes out. He wakes up in a dorm room with three uniformed dorm mates - Don, Ray and Zach - who are strangers to him. Nobody knows how he gets there, or how anybody else did for that matter, and the staff - headmaster, coach, teachers, administration Whisper 119 - refuse to enlighten anyone. All he knows now is that his parents know where he is (hokay), that the institution is called Tower Prep, that it's a school for kids to hone their specific unique ability - kinda like the mutant school in X-Men, and that he wants to escape. BADLY.
That night, he sneaks out of the school into the surrounding forestry, only to find that he is atop an island with dangerous cliffs on all sides and the forest is infested with human-sized something dressed in cockroach/insect costumes and helmets with night-vision goggles that emit green and red rays, resembling poisonous praying mantises in the dead of the night!
But Ian isn't alone. Three other students execute their escape plan that night:
Suki - technology-giant's daughter who can imitate people's voices to the T;
C.J - supposedly a hot, popular girl (I don't find her attractive at all), can't remember anything before her life in Tower Prep;
Gabe - bespectacled goofy guy who is shorter than the girls but can talk his way out of anything, an ability called hi-persuasion?
Together with his three new accidental friends, Ian explores a little bit of the forest before deciding that for now, the campus is the safest place to stay and besides, their escape plan needs major refining.
Drew Van Acker is a decent actor for such a series. My only complaint about him is the way he runs. He's supposed to be a quick-tempered athletic dude but he runs through the wood like a little girl going on a morning jog with her puppy - NO SENSE OF URGENCY WHATSOEVER. Has anyone watched Prison Break before? The running/escaping scenes are the best I've seen. However, Van Acker's fighting chops are amazing. He definitely has trained in martial arts before so that's worth watching.
Ian Archer's three mean and immature roommates provide the comedic doses in the show. They may have very short filming parts but the three are wonderful, me thinks. lol. I always like the bad guys. In the first episode alone, they have a scene where they run naked from the shower room to chase after the person who stole their robes. That takes some guts!
Everyone loves a laugh.
the night-google helmet. |
FRINGE: Do Shapeshifters Dream of Electric Sheep? (S3E4)
"Unless you can put yourself in another man's shoes, I don't think you can really judge these situations." - Peter Bishop.
Senator Van Horn's car is hit by a truck and his body shot to death by Newton when Newton fails to steal it away, revealing that Van Horn was a shapeshifter. Walter is entrusted with the task of repairing and attempting to extract whatever data is left in the shapeshifter's body. This alarms the Alternate Olivia (Olivia from alternate universe who's currently roaming Boston as FBI agent) because Van Horn knows everything about Alternate Olivia's identity. Van Horn's data chip has to be retrieved asap at any cost if Alternate Olivia is to keep her cover safe.
Senator Van Horn's car is hit by a truck and his body shot to death by Newton when Newton fails to steal it away, revealing that Van Horn was a shapeshifter. Walter is entrusted with the task of repairing and attempting to extract whatever data is left in the shapeshifter's body. This alarms the Alternate Olivia (Olivia from alternate universe who's currently roaming Boston as FBI agent) because Van Horn knows everything about Alternate Olivia's identity. Van Horn's data chip has to be retrieved asap at any cost if Alternate Olivia is to keep her cover safe.
This time, instead of taking the chip himself and risking his life again, Newton calls on one of his minion shapeshifters who has stayed dormant for the past five years. To carry out the task, this shapeshifter has to leave his current life and takes on another shape again. All remnants of his old life has to be discarded but it turns out that during the five years he acts as normal person, the shapeshifter develops emotional attachments for real so he decides that he'll complete his mission without shapeshifting again which is bad move, really, but I guess he can't help it. He loves his family.
Newton ends this shapeshifter's 'shift' (lol, can't resist saying that) but en route of escaping with Van Horn's chip, Peter gives a hell of a chase so Newton has no choice but to crash his car and turns himself in, but not before he passes Van Horn's chip to Olivia, to Olivia's relief.
Once behind bars, there's nothing he can do but to perish. Olivia slips Newton a self-destructive thin film and with that, Newton is gone. Olivia's voice of ugly conscience is gone :(
What Newton says about Olivia's true feelings and doubts scare her - that somewhere deep in Peter's mind, he knows this Alternate Olivia is not His Olivia - so Alternate Olivia makes plans to sleep with Peter to convince both Peter..and herself. I don't know how sleeping with him would be a step towards convincing either of them that they are the real them or how it would help to drive her mission forward, but then again I don't have Olivia Dunham's mind, you see. Enlighten me please.
This episode feels like a feeler to me even though it drives the plot forward...
It does reveal some things about shapeshifters though -
that they can develop sincere feelings and attachments, that their brains are located in the lower base of the spine (or what Walter calls "ass") and that their blood is made of mercury.
My favorite part of this episode is when the shapeshifter police who has to carry out Newton's order goes into his son's room to say goodbye but his son says he's afraid of monsters, so the police who's a shapeshifter/monster but loves this son immensely, tells him:
"You know, sometimes, monsters aren't all that bad. Sometimes, if you get to spend some time with them, they can be very surprising. They can be, uh, incredibly sweet and pure, and capable of great, great love. And then, one of them might actually become your very, very best friend."
and his son answered, "But you're my best friend."
It's such a heartbreaking moment.
FRINGE: The Plateau (S3E3)
In the alternate world, a man who has been turned from a human vegetable into a calculation genius through clinical experiment tries to resist regression of his newfound intelligence by killing anyone who sabotages this plan. Statistical anomaly has suddenly turned into probable reality that results in fatal outcome.
Under the watchful eyes of Broyles and Walternate (alternate, more powerful and sane Walter in the other world), Olivia is sent to the field with agent Francis and agent Lee, and her sharp observation puts her in the top of the genius' NEXT-TO-KILL list. rahhhh. Danger danger.
Under the watchful eyes of Broyles and Walternate (alternate, more powerful and sane Walter in the other world), Olivia is sent to the field with agent Francis and agent Lee, and her sharp observation puts her in the top of the genius' NEXT-TO-KILL list. rahhhh. Danger danger.
Olivia feels at home and in charge and no one knows better about who she really is except for Walternate and Broyles. She feels empowered in the field. hallelujah. And we discovers that in this new world, ballpoint pens are sort of a novelty. Nobody uses them anymore except for a handful of hospitals which uses the pens as a tool to help patients with severe cognitive disability. This detail helps them find leads to the murderer but put their lives in danger as the genius plans his murder.
However, Milo - that's the name of the murderer/genius, doesn't know that Olivia is not from this world and thus fails to factor in that she might not act as predicted and that's her saving grace, really. She manages to dodge her calculated death because she doesn't follow the protocols but the reason she doesn't follow protocols is that she doesn't know these protocols. Genius is caught and now only talks to computers because mere humans can no longer keep up with his complex thoughts. Bummer for his sister :(
In this episode, Olivia obviously lost her original identity already and thinks that she has been in this world all her life BUT she also starts to hallucinate - seeing Peter in the field and Walter at the hospital. She knows these images are in her mind, they are not real, but they keep on recurring so something must be amiss. She knows it.
The image of Peter reminds her again why she did not die earlier that day and he tells her that she can't forget who she is, where she comes from and she can't forget Peter's kiss. whoa. way to charm a woman. This is all Olivia's original mind's doing, of course, but I can't wait till she 'wakes' up and finds a way back to the real Peter!
FRINGE: The Box (S3E2)
Welcome back to all things fringe science! and the plot just gets better and better - a little gory, yes, but horrible things happen in our world every now and then.
As the first episode covers mostly about the original Olivia who is trapped 'Over There" (parallel universe for those of you who doesn't follow Fringe religiously), this time the story tells mostly about Peter and the other Olivia in our world.
A bizarre incident has taken place in Maine once again and this time victims and villains both died mysteriously with the exception of someone who escapes the tragedy with a machine that may be the cause of the mass killing.
The main ones:
Walter: Walter is named sole shareholder of Massive Dynamic in Bell's will (his BFF who died at the end of Season 2), thus inheriting a whole new set of state-of-the-art labs. wooohoo!!! Now he can experiment with fringe science much more easily and never worry about money. That lucky madman. But I have a soft spot for Walter, because he has such enormous love for Peter :)
Peter Bishop: Peter starts noticing that the Olivia next to him has changed somewhat. Lovely changes, he thinks, but still changes nonetheless and at times, these changes seem to make this Olivia a whole different person from who she used to be. Hmmms. I can't wait till he discovers the truth! Come on already.
The other Olivia: still orders Newton, the leader of the shapeshifters, around. She almost screws up her cover when Peter comes by her place, so she distracts him by kissing him and leading him on (work like a charm. Men are SO easy to fool) until Broyles calls her for duty. Ooops! Sorry Peter!
So, Peter manages to deactivate the ultrasonic box that's killing people right and left. There are some gory scenes but for the most part, everything is fine. The box seems to be a part of a larger machine as revealed by the other Olivia at the end of this episode when she types a message to the alternate world that "Peter has found first piece." I wonder what this larger plan is.
In the next episode, the plot would definitely go back to the original Olivia in the alternate world, coping with a new life...unknowingly? Stay tuned.
As the first episode covers mostly about the original Olivia who is trapped 'Over There" (parallel universe for those of you who doesn't follow Fringe religiously), this time the story tells mostly about Peter and the other Olivia in our world.
A bizarre incident has taken place in Maine once again and this time victims and villains both died mysteriously with the exception of someone who escapes the tragedy with a machine that may be the cause of the mass killing.
The main ones:
Walter: Walter is named sole shareholder of Massive Dynamic in Bell's will (his BFF who died at the end of Season 2), thus inheriting a whole new set of state-of-the-art labs. wooohoo!!! Now he can experiment with fringe science much more easily and never worry about money. That lucky madman. But I have a soft spot for Walter, because he has such enormous love for Peter :)
Peter Bishop: Peter starts noticing that the Olivia next to him has changed somewhat. Lovely changes, he thinks, but still changes nonetheless and at times, these changes seem to make this Olivia a whole different person from who she used to be. Hmmms. I can't wait till he discovers the truth! Come on already.
The other Olivia: still orders Newton, the leader of the shapeshifters, around. She almost screws up her cover when Peter comes by her place, so she distracts him by kissing him and leading him on (work like a charm. Men are SO easy to fool) until Broyles calls her for duty. Ooops! Sorry Peter!
So, Peter manages to deactivate the ultrasonic box that's killing people right and left. There are some gory scenes but for the most part, everything is fine. The box seems to be a part of a larger machine as revealed by the other Olivia at the end of this episode when she types a message to the alternate world that "Peter has found first piece." I wonder what this larger plan is.
In the next episode, the plot would definitely go back to the original Olivia in the alternate world, coping with a new life...unknowingly? Stay tuned.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
FRINGE: Olivia (S3E1)
This episode of the brand new season of J.J Abrams' project didn't cover much at all except revealing what "Over There" is like and how Olivia is losing means of finding her way back home.
"Over There":
- Olivia is withheld against her will at a facility; the staff injecting the other Olivia's lymphocytes/DNA/memory into her but Olivia's mind is steadfast and strong - She knows who she is. So she escapes the facility and with some luck, takes a kind taxi driver hostage and uses him to navigate her way in NYC. Not our NYC but the NYC "Over There" where ..everything is just that slightly more sophisticated than ours.
- Bad news is, her adrenaline from the escape triggers the DNA injected into her and she slowly confuses herself with the other Olivia, even acquiring the other Olivia's incredible marksmanship. At this point, I really don't know if she still knows who she really is but playing along with FRINGE division team so she can stay safe until she finds a way back to the real world.
- IF she really loses herself, returning home would be a HUGE problem. I'm scared. Poor Olivia. However, it seems like a sliver of hope is still alive in the form of Henry the kind taxi driver who notices that Olivia's memory seems to have changed. Hopefully Henry will be her right hand "Over There".
- The other Olivia has managed to infiltrate our world. Walter is too mentally-disturbed to notice and Peter is too in love to realize that she isn't the Olivia Dunham he knew! AHHHHHHH. Troubles, troubles. While the real Olivia is struggling "Over There" with herself/mind and the world, Peter and the new Olivia head on to a lovey-dovey future. DO NOT WANT. Let's keep our fingers crossed that Peter is smart enough to notice that the woman next to him is NOT OLIVIA very very very soon.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Mr. J: 頻道 (Mr. J Channel): Guests --江蕙 & 張惠妹 (11/13)
3 huge Taiwanese music icons on one show? YES PLEASE!
Favorite quote:
When 江蕙 said “我選周杰倫!” ("I pick Jay Chou") when he asks her who would you pick, when they were singing <3
- 江蕙 and A-Mei are super super super famous in Asia, and have won numerous amounts of awards. And most of all, they're super Taiwanese~! (^^)Y So half the show is like in Taiwanese...which I could barely understand, I had to read the mandarin subtitles because I was like -_-" what are they saying???
- Elly sang 江蕙's 《酒後的心聲》in Taiwanese and it was actually really good~! For someone who's not terribly fluent in Mandarin, much less Taiwanese, she sang it really well. Also, the song was like REALLY GOOD! I really like it!
- 江蕙 kept insinuating that Jay and A-Mei must have had some type of romantic relationship because they're really "close" haha but it just made things between Jay and A-Mei look even more suspicious. I'm like 99.9% show nothing is going on, but like a doting mother 江蕙 kept saying that there must be...haha she just wants her favorite young people to get together~! So cute!!!!! <3
- When Jay and 江蕙 duet-ed for 《一種感覺》 it was a little awkward yet so cute at the same time <33333 I loved it~!
- I like the fact that Jay, A-Mei, and 江蕙 are all really good friends~! It makes them more interesting, plus they have a lot of stories to talk about and you really get to find out about everyone's personalities :)
- Jay is actually getting a lot better at hosting! Maybe it's because all of his guests are friends of his so it's not that awkward? But he seems more extroverted than the 1st episode for sure!
- Jay said 3 things that he would never do for his show: sing, act, and dance. Yet in the last episode he acted a little with 林志玲 and this time he sang both solo and with 江蕙. Whatever, I hope he sings more for the show now~!
- Elly and 小麥 like literally did not say ANYTHING. Except for when Elly sang A-Mei's and 江蕙's song.
- LASTLY, does anyone else think that the snarky gay makeup artist is taking over the show?! He like talks more than anyone else on the show and is like a attention whore. He purposely spills embarrassing stories about Jay so that people will want to listen to him but otherwise he's just really effing annoying....
Favorite quote:
When 江蕙 said “我選周杰倫!” ("I pick Jay Chou") when he asks her who would you pick, when they were singing <3
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Glee: The Substitute (S2E7)
After last week's lukewarm Glee, I wasn't really looking forward to watching this weeks episode. But I was proved wrong, again. Glee, when I'm excited to see you, you suck, when I'm not, you draw me back in. BI-POLAR!!!!!!!!
Figgins is gone so now we have Principal Sue! She's going apeshit with her power control trying to disband the football team, ban on junk food, and of course, her public enemy #1: the Glee Club. What I don't get about the ban on junk food is why they pick the obviously bigger kid to fight about it...isn't that like just proving the fact that there's too much junk food in the world? Making her feel worse? DAMN. They even say that Mercedes is substituting FOOD for LOVE and that she needs to treat herself with a little more respect [ie stop eating food (ie stop being fat)]. And, they never really "resolved" the food ban issue in the end?!
YAY! Gwenyth Paltrow is the substitute teacher!! And even better, she's a little crazy and she's not too bad at singing. Love it! But her trying to be a bad ass is a little weird....Her performance of Cee-lo's Forget You was soooooooo good though! :) She even befriends Sue over an episode of Hoarders (my fave) and red wine~! And makes Rachel not so uptight anymore! She duets with her on Chicago's Nowadays/Hot Honey Rags mashup. Nice! And for once, I liked Rachel singing.
Mr. Schu singing Make Them Laugh from Singing in the Rain was a tad strange and super random. But I must say, he can keep up with the young'uns and the choreography was pretty tight. :)
Terri is back in the picture?? She's taking care of Mr. Schu but we're like actually talking about her which begs the she coming back to the show? Like as a love interest or enemy or whatever? She's like nice and cheery, it's really strange and her and Mr. Schu get it on! And then she threatens him like a mad woman when he tells her that it was just a mistake!!!!! (sidenote: Will is getting a ton of action lately! First with Emma, then the BEAST (bahaha) and now Terri!)
Modern version of Singing in the Rain = mashup with Rihanna's Umbrella LOL. The choreography as well as the outfits were BOMB! And it was super adorable. With the umbrellas, rain boots, and wet stage puddles. It must have been really annoying to dance in that, but they make it look fun. LOL. (just realized that Artie could not take part in it bc he's in a wheelchair :( ) Easily, favorite song of the episode, which means that it was REALLY good because Cee-lo's Forget You and the Chicago mashup were damn good too! Well, it really summed up the episode well because it was really about the balance of being hip or too old school. Gwen vs. Mr Schu. LOVE IT! Best ending EVER! <3
It was really good, cute, amazing. Reminded me of the Glee that I know and fell in love with! This whole episode kind of centers around how freaking cool Gwenyth Paltrow is, and how OLD(er) people can keep up with kids half their age at both singing AND dancing. See the Chicago and Singing in the Rain number...and of course, how to strike a balance between old and new for kids of the next generation. The give a shout out to Twitter, yet reference a 1950s movie Singing in the Rain. A job well done.
But in order to get out the slump that Glee is in, they brought in a guest star. It was extremely successful just like the Britney Spears and Madonna episodes. I mean, that's kind of sad that they need to bring in celebrities in order to make the story line good this season. It was this sad last season right?! They didn't need to rely on celebrities because they had pretty interesting scripts...:(
On the bright side, this was a great PR move for Gwen because not only did it show off her singing chops, but it brought renewed interest in her as a celebrity, I mean after she named her daughter Apple, no one really cared anymore about her other stuff. So this is good because she's coming out with a new movie where she...SINGS country music. Coming full circle! Promoting her self-image, singing, and acting! Smart to say the least!
Favorite part:
To see all the Glee kids as KIDS <3 I rewatched that part like 10 times bc the kids are SO CUTE <333333333333333333 AHHHHH!
Last remarks:
Is Figgins really gone FOREVER?????
Glee is kind of racist, I noticed it for a while, and in like literally every episode, but I'm surprised that I just remarked upon it now. I mean they have the stereotypes embedded within the characters. Like the only 2 asian people are dating, Mercedes gets set up with one of the 5 black guys at the school it's a little weird...And of course other stereotypes about big people, Down's Syndrome, dumb Blondes and homosexuals. Oh yeah, and of course, middle America...oh Ryan Murphy...what do we do with you? Can't you go direct another Nip/Tuck-y show? Please???
Does Rachel have lip injections? They look extraordinarily puffy....
Fave quote:
"I suggest you sell yourself on Craigslist under the title 'Men seeking Men with Butt Chins'" - Sue as said to Mr. Schu! BAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Figgins is gone so now we have Principal Sue! She's going apeshit with her power control trying to disband the football team, ban on junk food, and of course, her public enemy #1: the Glee Club. What I don't get about the ban on junk food is why they pick the obviously bigger kid to fight about it...isn't that like just proving the fact that there's too much junk food in the world? Making her feel worse? DAMN. They even say that Mercedes is substituting FOOD for LOVE and that she needs to treat herself with a little more respect [ie stop eating food (ie stop being fat)]. And, they never really "resolved" the food ban issue in the end?!
YAY! Gwenyth Paltrow is the substitute teacher!! And even better, she's a little crazy and she's not too bad at singing. Love it! But her trying to be a bad ass is a little weird....Her performance of Cee-lo's Forget You was soooooooo good though! :) She even befriends Sue over an episode of Hoarders (my fave) and red wine~! And makes Rachel not so uptight anymore! She duets with her on Chicago's Nowadays/Hot Honey Rags mashup. Nice! And for once, I liked Rachel singing.
Mr. Schu singing Make Them Laugh from Singing in the Rain was a tad strange and super random. But I must say, he can keep up with the young'uns and the choreography was pretty tight. :)
Terri is back in the picture?? She's taking care of Mr. Schu but we're like actually talking about her which begs the she coming back to the show? Like as a love interest or enemy or whatever? She's like nice and cheery, it's really strange and her and Mr. Schu get it on! And then she threatens him like a mad woman when he tells her that it was just a mistake!!!!! (sidenote: Will is getting a ton of action lately! First with Emma, then the BEAST (bahaha) and now Terri!)
Modern version of Singing in the Rain = mashup with Rihanna's Umbrella LOL. The choreography as well as the outfits were BOMB! And it was super adorable. With the umbrellas, rain boots, and wet stage puddles. It must have been really annoying to dance in that, but they make it look fun. LOL. (just realized that Artie could not take part in it bc he's in a wheelchair :( ) Easily, favorite song of the episode, which means that it was REALLY good because Cee-lo's Forget You and the Chicago mashup were damn good too! Well, it really summed up the episode well because it was really about the balance of being hip or too old school. Gwen vs. Mr Schu. LOVE IT! Best ending EVER! <3
It was really good, cute, amazing. Reminded me of the Glee that I know and fell in love with! This whole episode kind of centers around how freaking cool Gwenyth Paltrow is, and how OLD(er) people can keep up with kids half their age at both singing AND dancing. See the Chicago and Singing in the Rain number...and of course, how to strike a balance between old and new for kids of the next generation. The give a shout out to Twitter, yet reference a 1950s movie Singing in the Rain. A job well done.
But in order to get out the slump that Glee is in, they brought in a guest star. It was extremely successful just like the Britney Spears and Madonna episodes. I mean, that's kind of sad that they need to bring in celebrities in order to make the story line good this season. It was this sad last season right?! They didn't need to rely on celebrities because they had pretty interesting scripts...:(
On the bright side, this was a great PR move for Gwen because not only did it show off her singing chops, but it brought renewed interest in her as a celebrity, I mean after she named her daughter Apple, no one really cared anymore about her other stuff. So this is good because she's coming out with a new movie where she...SINGS country music. Coming full circle! Promoting her self-image, singing, and acting! Smart to say the least!
Favorite part:
To see all the Glee kids as KIDS <3 I rewatched that part like 10 times bc the kids are SO CUTE <333333333333333333 AHHHHH!
Last remarks:
Is Figgins really gone FOREVER?????
Glee is kind of racist, I noticed it for a while, and in like literally every episode, but I'm surprised that I just remarked upon it now. I mean they have the stereotypes embedded within the characters. Like the only 2 asian people are dating, Mercedes gets set up with one of the 5 black guys at the school it's a little weird...And of course other stereotypes about big people, Down's Syndrome, dumb Blondes and homosexuals. Oh yeah, and of course, middle America...oh Ryan Murphy...what do we do with you? Can't you go direct another Nip/Tuck-y show? Please???
Does Rachel have lip injections? They look extraordinarily puffy....
Fave quote:
"I suggest you sell yourself on Craigslist under the title 'Men seeking Men with Butt Chins'" - Sue as said to Mr. Schu! BAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Gossip Girl: Juliet Doesn't Live Here Anymore (S4E8)
YAY! I'M SO EXCITED! I've been so busy and I finally have a little free time to catch up on my favorite show~! (I know this is almost 2 weeks late haha). And extra excited by my favorite power couple C&B. I hope that after last week's tryst, they're finally going to get together again~! :)
Chuck and Blair
(ex) Sexing it up everywhere they go! HOT! :) but EWB (enemies with benefits) instead of reuniting?? NOOOOOOO! It's pretty funny that they're both trying to "end" their relationship, yet they're obsessed with having sex with each other....HAHA. So they decide to do "immersion therapy" for Blair it means running away from Chuck, for Chuck it equals as much sex as possible within the next 24 hours. DAMN. But Chuck's theory about excess is pretty true...but hate sex + public take down = let's fall in love again. <3 YAY!
Serena and Colin
Wait, why all of a sudden is Dan giving Serena advice about her and Colin's relationship?? And he's asking her why Colin just doesn't quit his job for her??? They haven't even started a relationship yet, isn't Dan being a little overdramatic here? Well, at least he's giving Serena some doubts and helpful advice, and the way the treated Colin right after was downright icy. Narcissistic much? But Colin did it, for her, *rolls eyes* so that they could be together. CHEESY, SAPPY, GROSS! Serena gets whatever she wants. So annoying! While others just bite the dust, like Dan (harhar it's okay, I don't really like him anyways). But randomly, Serena freaking breaks up with Colin AGAIN! WTF. I see a Nate-Dan-Serena love triangle in the that Juliet, Vanessa, and Colin are out of the picture....
Juliet's trying to turn over a new leaf. Listen to her cousin, Colin, who is giving her money and shutting her brother out of her life. But for so many reasons, I can't ever accept Juliet as anything but deranged. And now we're finding out a little more about Juliet's equally shady brother, Ben. 26 yr-old convict, optimistic happy teacher who was forced to plead guilty? That's like 10 contradictions right there.
Nate FINALLY figured out that Juliet is a shady ass mother effer! YAY! Now we can finally see Juliet go down~! Literally what I've been waiting for this whole season. And he enlisted the help of Vanessa (who was also burned by Juliet). So in order to figure out what's up with Juliet, Nate is trying to be her "friend" (frenemy anyone?). But she spins the "I'm poor" story on Nate. ARGH. That doesn't make it okay that you're a shady ass bitch! wtv, Nate fell for it bc he's such a sweet guy. DAMN IT. But good thing Vanessa's a bomb ass spy. She's a nosy bitch and found out that Juliet took a picture of Serena + Colin. But she's a freaking GANGSTER for reals, stalked her on FB's FourSquare and figured out where she lives. DAMN....
But anyways, Vanessa, instead of exposing her as a shady bitch, wants to work WITH Juliet to take down Serena with the photos that she found of Serena and Colin for vindication. DAMN. Vanessa = feisty bitch. But Juliet says no, because she wants to keep getting money, damn, no effing morals. Oh yeah, also, every time GG makes me want to like Vanessa, they remind me again how much I HATE HER. UGH. She's such a killjoy, but she's right that Serena gets away with anything and everything. So she convinced Juliet to help her turn her into the Dean. And Juliet gets A+ effed over by Blair, Nate, and Chuck. Damn, those are so good Juliet not only ruins her reputation with the Dean, she gots no more monies in the bank, and no more friends!!!! No Columbia for you?? SUCKER! Peace, bitch! I hope you don't come back!!!!! (Maybe that's why the title is what it is...)
Uh oh, Juliet and Vanessa are working with Jenny now?! WTF. The trifecta of the 3 most annoying people on the show. ARGH....why can't you 3 just go away!
Favorite quote: "KGB can't get me to talk; Chuck Bass has no chance!" --Dorota as said to Chuck BAHAHAHAHAHA
Last remarks
Serena's dress for Ballet's opening night= F-U-G-L-Y. I saw it on some other blog already, and I must agree that this dress is more Jenny-esque than Serena. It looks tacky and hooker-like. WHAT HAPPENED??? On the bright side, Juliet's hair, dress, and makeup look AMAZING! I guess they have to pick someone to be ugly...But GG makes it look like Juliet's supposed to be ugly...weirdddddd
Chuck and Blair
(ex) Sexing it up everywhere they go! HOT! :) but EWB (enemies with benefits) instead of reuniting?? NOOOOOOO! It's pretty funny that they're both trying to "end" their relationship, yet they're obsessed with having sex with each other....HAHA. So they decide to do "immersion therapy" for Blair it means running away from Chuck, for Chuck it equals as much sex as possible within the next 24 hours. DAMN. But Chuck's theory about excess is pretty true...but hate sex + public take down = let's fall in love again. <3 YAY!
Serena and Colin
Wait, why all of a sudden is Dan giving Serena advice about her and Colin's relationship?? And he's asking her why Colin just doesn't quit his job for her??? They haven't even started a relationship yet, isn't Dan being a little overdramatic here? Well, at least he's giving Serena some doubts and helpful advice, and the way the treated Colin right after was downright icy. Narcissistic much? But Colin did it, for her, *rolls eyes* so that they could be together. CHEESY, SAPPY, GROSS! Serena gets whatever she wants. So annoying! While others just bite the dust, like Dan (harhar it's okay, I don't really like him anyways). But randomly, Serena freaking breaks up with Colin AGAIN! WTF. I see a Nate-Dan-Serena love triangle in the that Juliet, Vanessa, and Colin are out of the picture....
Juliet's trying to turn over a new leaf. Listen to her cousin, Colin, who is giving her money and shutting her brother out of her life. But for so many reasons, I can't ever accept Juliet as anything but deranged. And now we're finding out a little more about Juliet's equally shady brother, Ben. 26 yr-old convict, optimistic happy teacher who was forced to plead guilty? That's like 10 contradictions right there.
Nate FINALLY figured out that Juliet is a shady ass mother effer! YAY! Now we can finally see Juliet go down~! Literally what I've been waiting for this whole season. And he enlisted the help of Vanessa (who was also burned by Juliet). So in order to figure out what's up with Juliet, Nate is trying to be her "friend" (frenemy anyone?). But she spins the "I'm poor" story on Nate. ARGH. That doesn't make it okay that you're a shady ass bitch! wtv, Nate fell for it bc he's such a sweet guy. DAMN IT. But good thing Vanessa's a bomb ass spy. She's a nosy bitch and found out that Juliet took a picture of Serena + Colin. But she's a freaking GANGSTER for reals, stalked her on FB's FourSquare and figured out where she lives. DAMN....
But anyways, Vanessa, instead of exposing her as a shady bitch, wants to work WITH Juliet to take down Serena with the photos that she found of Serena and Colin for vindication. DAMN. Vanessa = feisty bitch. But Juliet says no, because she wants to keep getting money, damn, no effing morals. Oh yeah, also, every time GG makes me want to like Vanessa, they remind me again how much I HATE HER. UGH. She's such a killjoy, but she's right that Serena gets away with anything and everything. So she convinced Juliet to help her turn her into the Dean. And Juliet gets A+ effed over by Blair, Nate, and Chuck. Damn, those are so good Juliet not only ruins her reputation with the Dean, she gots no more monies in the bank, and no more friends!!!! No Columbia for you?? SUCKER! Peace, bitch! I hope you don't come back!!!!! (Maybe that's why the title is what it is...)
Uh oh, Juliet and Vanessa are working with Jenny now?! WTF. The trifecta of the 3 most annoying people on the show. ARGH....why can't you 3 just go away!
Favorite quote: "KGB can't get me to talk; Chuck Bass has no chance!" --Dorota as said to Chuck BAHAHAHAHAHA
Last remarks
Serena's dress for Ballet's opening night= F-U-G-L-Y. I saw it on some other blog already, and I must agree that this dress is more Jenny-esque than Serena. It looks tacky and hooker-like. WHAT HAPPENED??? On the bright side, Juliet's hair, dress, and makeup look AMAZING! I guess they have to pick someone to be ugly...But GG makes it look like Juliet's supposed to be ugly...weirdddddd
Monday, November 15, 2010
Merlin: Gwaine (S3E4)
I am teh cute. |
This is Gwaine. Handsome, easygoing and skillful non-Nobleman fighter who saves Prince Arthur's dear life at a
Gwaine's secretly of noble-birth but he hates noblemen and the King so he keeps his background a secret. Merlin finds out about it during their bonding time - being punished to clean the entire army's boots for making Arthur pay for Gwaine's crazy beer, meat and pickled eggs tab. (Arthur loves pickled eggs, by the way)
ALSO, I'm such a freaking spoiler. Do not read on if you plan on watching this episode.
If you can't get the episode at the location you're residing but want little details regarding the plot, then, by all means, hallelujah, you've found a friend in me, so please read on!
Anyway, sorry for digressing. Let's get back to this episode. The two new enemies commission a sorcerer to forge them a couple of blunt-but-actually-really sharp swords - in other words, magical, evil swords! - and crystals that allow to them to take other people's forms. This is a tricky (and poor, sorry!) explanation, so let me elaborate on how the forgery is done:
- the two enemies must kill two people of their choice using the swords.
- then they smear the blood of their fallen victims onto the crystals and wear the crystals around their necks
- the crystals will then change their appearances to those of the victims. Done.
The victims they choose are two noblemen and close allies of Prince Arthur who are invited to join the annual mêlée (friendly match? my french is bad. pardon.) at Camelot. I can't remember the two noblemen's names for the love of God so I'll just call them "fake nobles" here.
While Gwaine is busy falling in love with Gwen at first sight, Merlin discovers the fake nobles' secret, of course, and tries to do things his way aka mess things up. Thankfully Gwaine comes to the rescue and gets arrested for trying to fight the noblemen but he's forever exiled from Camelot :( Poor Gwaine. He shares similar fate with Lancelot, doesn't he? But Gwaine's cuter, of course.
At the mêlée, Gwaine disguises himself as one of the participating noblemen and helps Arthur from peril yet again by finishing off the fake nobles and revealing their true identities. However, he decides to leave Camelot for Persia in the quest for more exciting places. Merlin is crestfallen because he loses a new buddy but he's convinced that Gwaine would return one day and be a knight when Arthur is king. Arthur reminds Merlin that "rules are rules" - only nobles can be knights; the tradition has always been that way and will stay that way.
As Gwaine walks out the gate of Camelot, watched by Arthur and Merlin from the castle's balcony, he meets Gwen and exchanges what seem to be friendly banter. It looks innocent enough but it is also enough to make Arthur jealous before Merlin quickly quotes Arthur that "rules are rules" and commoners like Gwen can't be with anyone other than commoners, much to Arthur's annoyance.
This episode is pretty fun because I like the character Gwaine, Gwen doesn't get much screen time (hahaha) and the fight scenes are decent! hey-ho!
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Glee: Never Been Kissed (S2E6)
Things to recap from Duets (Rocky Horror Glee Show was legit-ly just a Halloween special where no real drama happened besides Mr. Schu and Emma of course):
- Quinn + Sam = <3
- Tina + Mike = <3?
- Artie + Brittany = </3
- Kurt and Beast = lonely
- Mr. Schu + Emma = ???????
Ready for this week's drama~! :)
- Sexual frustration!! How will they quell their frustration? Why the BEAST of course!
- Say my name! BEAST!
- Sam calling Quinn BEAST during their hot and heavy make out section which pisses Quinn off --> lover's quarrel hahaha.
- Tina picturing the Beast as a ballerina hahaha. OMG.
- Mr. Schu finds out and flips a bitch!!! And he's kind of forced to tell the Beast why everyone is talking about her behind her back...omg. So awkward!
- Beast ended up quitting on her own accord because of what the kids did. Sad! :( At least Mr. Schu talks her out of doing it...
- But admitting that she's not gay, that's a little weird??? I thought she was...and then she admits that she's never been kissed. And so Mr. Schu takes the plunge into the dark power couple? HAHA. Or is he just trying to nudge her forward into the dating scene (which makes a whole shit ton more sense) lol. HOLY CRAP. THAT IS SO AWKWARD DUDE!
- Puck's back~!
- Puck got out of juvie early because he said he'd do community service. Aka he's now Artie's friend! :) Artie helps him stay out of juvie by offering to tutor him and their double date with Santana and Brittany was really cute! I think they're going to be BFF's! I'm excited! :)
- They sing "One Love/People Get Ready" by Bob Marley! Cute <3 They actually match really well! I love Puck's voice~! BUT WHERE DID THE CALYPSO DRUMS ROLL OUT FROM?! WTF?? But at least they made a shit ton of money~! A little random though, not going to lie...
- "Best community service-r ever right?" Puck as said to Artie
- BOYS VS. GIRLS TOURNAMENT! YAY! Last time it was amazing with the whole drug ordeal, but will Glee deliver again?! Let the games begin!
- Boys singing traditional girls songs
- "Stop in the Name of Love" by the Supremes + "Free Your Mind" by En Vogue
- They sing this mash-up for Coach Beast to apologize for what they did to her! And it works! She doesn't quit!
- The boys look FLYYYYYY in their suits and the way they sang the songs were amazing. Very MANLY yet the songs were supposed to be "girly"! <3 Artie totally killed it! Actually all the boys were really good, I honestly think I like the guys a whole shit ton better than the girls! :)
- Girls singing traditional boys songs
- "Start Me Up!" by the Rolling Stones
- The girls look pretty hot in their all leather ensembles and it was pretty good vocal wise, otherwise it was just a lot of hair tossing and sex appeal. Mehh. Whatevers.
- Kurt keeps getting picked on by "The Fury" and it makes him sad, angry, and belligerent :( So he pays the all boys Dalton Academy a visit and runs into Blaine! New love interest please?(Hopefully it doesn't turn out like Rachel's relationship with Jesse?)
- Katy Perry's "Teenage Dream" by the Warblers! It was soooo good~! I love acapella~! I think the songs so overrated because I hear it on the radio all the time, but Glee did the song justice! It was amazing! And the boys were so cute! ;)
- Kurt goes on a coffee date with some of the cute Warblers <3 And he asks Blaine for advice on how to stay strong being the only open gay kid at his school, but does it make him want to transfer schools? Well Blaine gives him 2 options either go to Dalton or refuse to be the victim and fight back! He tells Kurt to call out the "Fury!"
- Kurt called out Fury and it was TOTALLY NOT WHAT I EXPECTED! FURY KISSED KURT! WTFFFFFFF. I mean I knew that he might've been secretly gay but OMG! It makes sense...lashing out with homophobic tendencies, that's pretty textbook behavior for some people who are struggling, but Fury stole Kurt's first kiss! :(
- Kurt brings Blaine to meet Fury instead because he has no idea WTF to do...Blaine is like the messiah of all gays of something! "Well he's not coming out anytime soon!!" BAAHAHAHA
This episode was MAINLY conversational and some random songs interspersed here and there. But the main story lines we see here are basically Kurt dealing with his bullies at school and the sexual frustration among the Glee-ers. What ties together the story line? Both Kurt and Beast have never been kissed! :( Well, until now, at least. Dang.
Song competition basically was non-existent. They should definitely had done this as their boys vs. girls competition, I mean it has so many opportunities, and instead we get weird songs from a equally weird episode.
Just when you think that Glee is getting predictable, which it is A LOT OF THE TIME, it surprises you like strangely like the Mr. Schu + Beast kiss. So random!
All in all, the episode was a throwaway, let's do better next time please Ryan Murphy!
Favorite part of the episode:THE WARBLERS! LET'S SEE MORE OF THEM PLEASE!
Fave quote: "How do we find the only two girls in high school who won't put out??" Finn as said to Sam
Merlin: Goblin's Gold (S3E3)
In this episode, magical creatures are back in the formula, this time just ONE very mischievous goblin whom Merlin accidentally releases from a lead-lined box while he is looking for a spell book in the library.
This goblin looks somewhat like Dobby from Harry Potter except his eyes are more sinister than afraid and he has HAIR. hahaha. I believe Dobby is bald, no? This Merlin version is like some Indian deity to me, partly because of the black hair tied up in a bunch and the gold accessories on him.
Goblin LOVES gold above everything else and once it's freed, this goblin goes around making a mess of the castle, vandalizing the rooms and oooooh, taking over Gaius' body when Merlin and him fail to seize the Goblin with the lure of Arthur's (stolen) gold coins!
So, what happens then?
- Gaius: starts going to Tavern, gambles, plays pranks on the people and even the knights and never having to worry that Merlin would harm him because if Merlin harms him, the one hurt will be Gaius' body and not the goblin.
- Gwen: stupidly conned into giving her gold coin for a fart potion! LOLLLLLL
- Morgana: Morgana lays low in this episode, reverting back to her usual request for sleeping draught from Gaius, but the goblin gives her the fart potion as well!
- Arthur: embarrassingly turned into a a donkey-man, complete with donkey ears and braying vocals, to Merlin's delight :)
- King Uther: becomes bald and given fart potion as well. The three victims all fart during an important court meeting. HAHAHA.
Meanwhile, Merlin sees no other way of getting the goblin out of Gaius' body willingly except by poisoning Gaius/goblin to near death. Risky business indeed.
This episode is full of LOLs and serves more as a filler than a progress of the main plot for Season 3 ,which is Morgana's efforts to turn Camelot over to the hands of wizards and witches, but it's sort of a nice breather because nobody likes overly-serious period dramas (cough*Tudor*cough).
Long live Merlin!
Monday, November 8, 2010
Merlin: The Tears of Uther Pendragon [Part2] (S3E2)
After being knocked out for three full days, Merlin wakes up to the Dragon, uh, nursing him. Then he makes use of the dragon to fly him back (what use is a grand pet with wings if you can't take advantage of it?) to Camelot to deliver speedy news that the King is under an enchantment.
Together with Gaius, they toast the little mandrake voodoo piece but the dangers are still beckoning. Cendred's army, sought by Morgeause's promise that she has a loyal minion (Lady Morgana) who's trustworthy and would help to overthrow Camelot, advances to the capital by hundreds of thousands. A siege!!!!
Meanwhile, Lady Morgana who thinks that Merlin must have been devoured by scorpions in the woods, is shocked to see him walking beside Arthur, helping to gather provision to counter the siege. She hurries off to Morgeause for more instructions and is handed a staff made from something from the Isle of the Blessed, which means it contains Old Magic and oh so powerful! It looks kinda like a stick fastened with a white coral on top for aesthetic purposes but that's just my opinion. The staff is so powerful, one doesn't need to know how to use it because it will guide the user on all the how-to.
As Cendred's army attacks Camelot's walls, Morgana sneaks to the basement where bones of knights are kept and she successfully revives them to do her evil bidding. Arthur's army, who is initially winning the battle, is overwhelmed by the enemy's magical reinforcements and is forced to back down little by little.
Merlin, the boy who saves all, or tries to, sprints to the basement and after given a lecture by Morgana and a little bit of no-magic-used struggle, he manages to cut off the staff and breaks the enchantments over the skeleton soldiers. All the bones all over Camelot fall in heaps and the city is saved once again. No credits to Merlin because to everyone's knowledge, he's supposed to be just a lowly servant.
King Uther even praises Morgana for being the one who cut off the staff and saved the kingdom because she is found under some rubble in the basement (after her struggle with Merlin) and everyone automatically thinks she risked her life to cut the staff. Hmms.
In this episode, Gwen the servant to Lady Morgana also gets more attention as she once again gives Arthur the strength to fight on just by a mere few words of encouragement. I sense more forbidden love blossoming in the future episodes even though I don't really fancy the Arthur x Gwen pair.
More magic and enchantments next episode!
the dragon has pretty, golden eyes. |
Meanwhile, Lady Morgana who thinks that Merlin must have been devoured by scorpions in the woods, is shocked to see him walking beside Arthur, helping to gather provision to counter the siege. She hurries off to Morgeause for more instructions and is handed a staff made from something from the Isle of the Blessed, which means it contains Old Magic and oh so powerful! It looks kinda like a stick fastened with a white coral on top for aesthetic purposes but that's just my opinion. The staff is so powerful, one doesn't need to know how to use it because it will guide the user on all the how-to.
As Cendred's army attacks Camelot's walls, Morgana sneaks to the basement where bones of knights are kept and she successfully revives them to do her evil bidding. Arthur's army, who is initially winning the battle, is overwhelmed by the enemy's magical reinforcements and is forced to back down little by little.
Merlin, the boy who saves all, or tries to, sprints to the basement and after given a lecture by Morgana and a little bit of no-magic-used struggle, he manages to cut off the staff and breaks the enchantments over the skeleton soldiers. All the bones all over Camelot fall in heaps and the city is saved once again. No credits to Merlin because to everyone's knowledge, he's supposed to be just a lowly servant.
King Uther even praises Morgana for being the one who cut off the staff and saved the kingdom because she is found under some rubble in the basement (after her struggle with Merlin) and everyone automatically thinks she risked her life to cut the staff. Hmms.
In this episode, Gwen the servant to Lady Morgana also gets more attention as she once again gives Arthur the strength to fight on just by a mere few words of encouragement. I sense more forbidden love blossoming in the future episodes even though I don't really fancy the Arthur x Gwen pair.
More magic and enchantments next episode!
Merlin: The Tears of Uther Pendragon [Part1] (S3E1)
It's been a year since Morgana went missing after trying to enchant and destroy Camelot. After an extensive search led by Arthur (Because King Uther is old) and many senseless killings later (woe is the small people), she is found in the woods and brought back to Camelot, much to Uther's rejoice.
She pretends to befriend Merlin again, something about wanting to start over and make peace but Merlin is apprehensive about it. After all, he tried to poison her...surely she won't forgive him that easily, right? His suspicions proved true later on.
Between getting bullied by Prince Arthur and running chores for Gaius, Merlin manages to find out that Morgana sneaks out of the castle every night to meet her white-trash-looking (I'm NOT kidding) half-sister and enchantress Morgeause to get a mandrake voodoo piece to cripple King Uther's control of the kingdom. The idea is to crush him mentally so the rest of his subjects would panic and terror would spread across the kingdom. It is so easy to incite terror in those days, it seems. Ever since magic is banned, any incidents involving some sort of enchantment will get the king soooooooo worked up to send the entire army to find and uproot the cause of the enchantment. Lather, rinse, repeat.
One night, the king starts to see illusions, faces of the people he has killed and most importantly, face of the dead queen. He breaks down and can't function so Prince Arthur has to take reign...which means more duties and bullying for Merlin (sucks to be him).
So, this mandrake voodoo thing takes a few days for the full effects to show. Merlin tails Morgana into the woods and is seized by Morgeause and bound by some enchanted chains so he can't move. Then the two women leave and let GIANT scorpions get a taste of Merlin. Since Merlin isn't a full-fledged powerful wizard yet, his feeble attempts to break the chains fail and he even get stung by one of the scorpions. ACK!! Poor boy. He does his best for Prince Arthur and Camelot and this has to be the end of his life story? Surely heavens have planned something else to save him.
Poisoned and slowly losing consciousness, what's a wizard boy got to do? Call on THE dragon, of course. In my opinion, that Dragon is the true hero in Merlin series. He tells Merlin what to do, every single time (because he's wise and ancient like that) but Merlin wouldn't listen and problems would arise. Repeat this for every single episode of Season 1 & 2. The Dragon is like, the God of all gossips and news in those seasons. I love it very much.
Anyway, back to the story. The Dragon swoops down from somewhere and barbeques all the scorpions to cinders. But there lies Merlin, all lifeless and chained up on the forest floor.
What will happen next?
Will he survive the poisonous venom?
Answers will be in Part 2/episode 2!
She pretends to befriend Merlin again, something about wanting to start over and make peace but Merlin is apprehensive about it. After all, he tried to poison her...surely she won't forgive him that easily, right? His suspicions proved true later on.
Getting bullied by Prince Arthur is daily breakfast for Merlin. |
One night, the king starts to see illusions, faces of the people he has killed and most importantly, face of the dead queen. He breaks down and can't function so Prince Arthur has to take reign...which means more duties and bullying for Merlin (sucks to be him).
So, this mandrake voodoo thing takes a few days for the full effects to show. Merlin tails Morgana into the woods and is seized by Morgeause and bound by some enchanted chains so he can't move. Then the two women leave and let GIANT scorpions get a taste of Merlin. Since Merlin isn't a full-fledged powerful wizard yet, his feeble attempts to break the chains fail and he even get stung by one of the scorpions. ACK!! Poor boy. He does his best for Prince Arthur and Camelot and this has to be the end of his life story? Surely heavens have planned something else to save him.
Poisoned and slowly losing consciousness, what's a wizard boy got to do? Call on THE dragon, of course. In my opinion, that Dragon is the true hero in Merlin series. He tells Merlin what to do, every single time (because he's wise and ancient like that) but Merlin wouldn't listen and problems would arise. Repeat this for every single episode of Season 1 & 2. The Dragon is like, the God of all gossips and news in those seasons. I love it very much.
Anyway, back to the story. The Dragon swoops down from somewhere and barbeques all the scorpions to cinders. But there lies Merlin, all lifeless and chained up on the forest floor.
What will happen next?
Will he survive the poisonous venom?
Answers will be in Part 2/episode 2!
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Mr. J: 頻道 (Mr. J Channel): Guest --林志玲 (11/6)
So I was really afraid that the this show wouldn't be funny if 羅志祥 left because he literally stole the show last week. But I'm happy, his co-hosts and Jay totally survived for this episode. Props to them for reals. They're really funny together~! I mean except for Elly who is just prompted to say things, I don't think she really knows what's exactly going on because they talk pretty fast. But we found out in this episode she was born in Thailand! COOLS! Anyways, Du Ge really likes to make fun of her because I think that he thinks that he should be the only "girl" on the show. HAHA. Oh gay guys, always competing!
The guest star this week was the ever so elegant actress/model 林志玲. She's really cute and sweet, they kept making fun of her for being drunk but all she drank was iced tea. HAHA. Really innocent, I like her. I like her they call her 姐姐 (big sis) because she's older than them. -_-" Well I guess it would be a little awkward to call her 妹妹 (little sis)...But all of them have a huge crush on her which is SO ADORABLE. They're all vying for her attention, especially 雪糕 (ice cream)! So cute~~~!
Again, I love the show because we always find out a little bit about Jay, he admitted that he likes to walk around 西門町 (ximending) (wearing a face mask of course) to remember what it feels like to be young and un-famous. :) It's sad the things that you lose when you become a huge star. :(
It was all in all a pretty good show. The captions are really funny which is my FAVORITE part of all TV talk/variety shows. :)
Watch the whole episode on my other blog: ~!
The guest star this week was the ever so elegant actress/model 林志玲. She's really cute and sweet, they kept making fun of her for being drunk but all she drank was iced tea. HAHA. Really innocent, I like her. I like her they call her 姐姐 (big sis) because she's older than them. -_-" Well I guess it would be a little awkward to call her 妹妹 (little sis)...But all of them have a huge crush on her which is SO ADORABLE. They're all vying for her attention, especially 雪糕 (ice cream)! So cute~~~!
Again, I love the show because we always find out a little bit about Jay, he admitted that he likes to walk around 西門町 (ximending) (wearing a face mask of course) to remember what it feels like to be young and un-famous. :) It's sad the things that you lose when you become a huge star. :(
It was all in all a pretty good show. The captions are really funny which is my FAVORITE part of all TV talk/variety shows. :)
Watch the whole episode on my other blog: ~!
90210: I See London, I See France (S3E7)
Just in case you're wondering 90210 is my guilty pleasure. It's lame but what can I say, too much Dexter and Boardwalk Empire effs with my brain since it's so serious. I need something to watch that's girly and easy. Even GG has more substance than this show! But the again, I love GG, no matter how many people gave up on it due to a slightly "boring season." Whatever, I still like it. Anyways, on with 90210!
Anyways, quick recap from last week, somethings they explore in this episode as well:
"You don't have to play hard to get you know?" --Oscar
"I'm not playing, I am hard to get" --Naomi
Anyways, quick recap from last week, somethings they explore in this episode as well:
- Ivy + Dixon (HIV free!)
- Liam got a new job from his new creepy girlfriend
- Naomi is going to press charges
- Teddy and his secret feelings...
- Naomi + rape case
- Naomi is finally going to press charges! Good for her!
- Ryan is willing to help Naomi with the case even though it means that he got suspended from his job, as will as Mr. Cannon
- They find out that Mr. Cannon isn't from what skeletons are in his closet at Dagenham? Well at least this is bringing Naomi and Oscar closer together since he has this fatty crush on her... Secret tryst?? Oohhhh anyways, THEY FOUND OUT THAT HE WAS INVOLVED IN ANOTHER RAPE CASE this time under his other true alias, Douglas Atherton. And he's wanted in the UK therefore they're going to get his ex-tradition papers and try him in America~! Woot! Score one for Naomi!
- Anyways, he fled. Maybe this will finally put an end to this ongoing rape story line. It's literally been 7 episodes long.
- Ivy + Dixon + Oscar
- I thought Oscar was leaving after the last episode??
- Damn, he called Ivy "collateral damage"
- Dixon's surf wax "bouquet" was super adorable!!
- Is Ivy going to ever tell Dixon her tryst with Oscar?? SHIT. YES. Omggg! This shit is going to hit the fan in the next episode.
- Liam's innocent little fake gf is selling coke out of her purses. DAMN DUDE. But Liam as a walking purse holder is pretty effing hilarious.
"You don't have to play hard to get you know?" --Oscar
"I'm not playing, I am hard to get" --Naomi
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Gossip Girl: War at the Roses (S4E7)
Yay it's Blair's birthday~! My favorite character out of GG! :)
BURNING QUESTION(s) FROM LAST WEEK: Are Chuck and Blair ever going to get back together? And what are we going to learn this week from the shady shady Juliet now?
Let's get the party started shall we?
BURNING QUESTION(s) FROM LAST WEEK: Are Chuck and Blair ever going to get back together? And what are we going to learn this week from the shady shady Juliet now?
Let's get the party started shall we?
- Chuck and Blair's ongoing battle...comes to a cease fire.
- So Nate and Serena have planned for C & B to lay down a peace treaty to officially end the war. The loser will be excommunicated (aka be friendless) if it is broken. Omg. Them breaking up is so complicated! I wonder what their secret addendum is about? Possibly Jenny related?
- I don't understand why they have to do this to each other...they obviously both like each other, can't they just get over it?! Well apparently they "hate" each other.
- Alls well that ends well ;)
- Serena & Colin
- Now EVERYONE knows about this: Juliet and Nate included, which means that Serena's really going to get expelled! Yikes!
- After last week, I thought that Juliet might have just concocted this whole entire relationship up on purpose just to eff with Serena but I guess not because...
- Juliet and Colin are cousins? And why is he so angry about Ben? Dude, who the hell is this Ben character? Keeping him shady and locked up in jail is getting me more and more annoyed GG, not curious. 6 episodes later, and it's getting a little too ridiculous.
- Blair's Birthday//Lily & Rufus' anniversary
- Is Jenny coming back to town after her dramatic exit in the latest episode?
- Dan and Eric band together to do a "stealth strike" in order to bring Jenny back since C & B are at peace --> They see this as a way to officially break the truce treaty between the 2 in order to gain Chuck's amnesty to help Jenny come back to NYC. So complicated...
- I never know who's side Dan is on, sometimes he's helping Blair, sometimes he's helping himself, but mostly what does Dan's character serve as? He's not interesting enough. Only a side character and no story line.
- Anyways, complete failure on Dan's behalf because C & B are at peace and have "common enemies" so they are working together and he even gets an invite to her party. Sexual tension much?!
- But Dan did get away with finding out what the whole treaty entails, even the mysterious addition...wonder what it is? THE LAME VIDEO?! WTF. Why is this video even important, it's not even interesting?! I don't understand why anybody would ever fight about something like that?? Well at least the treaty's off...;)
- Well, I guess, Dan pissed off EVERYBODY (Chuck, Blair, Nate, Rufus) in an effort to get back his sister, he pushed everyone away and just made new enemies. My oh my, lonely boy, what a large grave you've dug yourself into. No friends, no sister, and an ex-girlfriend as a roommate?
Lastly, those weird paper bushes in the apartment were extremely strange.......that is not romantic, just plain strange. GG, are you on something? First, your HUGE secret was a stupid karaoke video, and now you end the episode with paper bushes?! I feel like you left NYC and landed somewhere way not cool.
AT LEAST YOU ENDED WITH A BANG! YES! C&B <3333333333333333 Will they stay together for the next episode? Or is this just a dirty little secret between them two?
Favorite part: When Rachel Zoe gets chocolate spilled all over herself because Blair pushed her. HAHAHA. "I die."
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Mr. J: 頻道 (Mr. J Channel): Guest --羅志祥 (10/30)
I'm going to review a talk show in Taiwan that just came out on Saturday 10/30.
Jay Chou is hosting a talk show/variety show: Mr. J: 頻道 (Mr. J Channel) in Taiwan now with his co-hosts Xiao Mai (he can dance, sing, and he looks like a cartoon ==> they call him a “ghost” because they keep forgetting about him BAHAHAHAHAH), Ice Cream = Xue Gao (a dance choreographer), Xiao Du (a makeup artist) and new J Girl Elly (Eri Otoguro)–> She’s one of his Japanese fans and a model HAHA. OMG IS HE LOOKING FOR AN ABC?? :))))) [They explain all their bios in the first 2 parts lollllll] Anyways, he sends out Ninjas to go and get co-hosts for him LOL. So Jay.
Jay Chou is hosting a talk show/variety show: Mr. J: 頻道 (Mr. J Channel) in Taiwan now with his co-hosts Xiao Mai (he can dance, sing, and he looks like a cartoon ==> they call him a “ghost” because they keep forgetting about him BAHAHAHAHAH), Ice Cream = Xue Gao (a dance choreographer), Xiao Du (a makeup artist) and new J Girl Elly (Eri Otoguro)–> She’s one of his Japanese fans and a model HAHA. OMG IS HE LOOKING FOR AN ABC?? :))))) [They explain all their bios in the first 2 parts lollllll] Anyways, he sends out Ninjas to go and get co-hosts for him LOL. So Jay.
Jay’s BFF 羅志祥 (Show Luo) also has a show: 娛樂百分百 (100% Entertainment) and he makes an appearance as the guest star in the first episode of Mr. J Channel! Woot! LOVE HIM! He’s sooo cute~! :) They’re really good friends, and in the show they talk about how they first became friends and how they’ve been BFF’s ever since, and of course he gives us all this good gossip about Jay! YAY! Anyways, HAHA, he always calls Jay “baby” and sends texts to Jay asking him “Do you love me??” So cute! :) Reminds me of me and my bfff lol.
A lot of celebrities in Taiwan have their own talk shows, but it’s funny that Jay is having one because years ago he was known to be pretty awkward in front of people especially when he’s not singing/acting, since he’s a pretty private person. Especially during his interview with 小 S like years ago. LOL OMG. That was soooooo funny, I need to find the YT clip because it’s hilarious, she was like hitting on him and he was getting super super embarrassed HAHA! Anyways. He seems to have changed from being A+ shy, and now his show is effing hilarious~! AHHH! <3
The beginning was really cool because we got to learn about the background and history of the co-hosts and why Jay picked them in the first place which was really cool. Each host had a chance to talk and explain themselves. The show was amazing, kept me entertained the whole time because Show was really funny and we got to learn a bunch of interesting stories between Show and Jay. The co-hosts barely spoke because Show was just talking to Jay the whole time.
Well I am pretty biased because I'm huge fans of both Jay and Show so maybe that's why I thought it was really fun and cool, I watched it twice and repeated many scenes multiple times because they were just too funny.
Well I am pretty biased because I'm huge fans of both Jay and Show so maybe that's why I thought it was really fun and cool, I watched it twice and repeated many scenes multiple times because they were just too funny.
However, Show definitely took over the show, as he has lots of experience in the entertainment business along with his own rather popular talk show. He was poking fun at how Jay was so awkward and unexperienced as a host. Which was okay because they are really good friends, and Show is known to do things like that. I think that it was a smart move for Mr. J Channel to have him as a first guest because it made the show really entertaining. I'm afraid that since he was so funny and amazing, the next couple of episodes might not be as good. Other celebrities aren't as loud and crazy and cool, so we have to rely on Jay and all his co-hosts to carry the show on, if they can, that it'll be good, if they can't, I wouldn't be surprised whatsoever.
I posted all the episodes on my other blog if you're interested in watching it:
I posted all the episodes on my other blog if you're interested in watching it:
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Dexter: Beauty and the Beast (S5E4)
I know heyitsabell’s style is a lot less formal than mine, but TV is ~srs bsns~ y’all (no it’s not. Also, watch out for a serious abuse of parentheticals, I love them.) These are probably not going to be traditional recaps, but discussion on a few aspects of the episode that I thought were interesting.
Of course, the cliffhanger of last week’s episode was Julia Stiles watching Dexter hack creepo murderer Boyd to death. I won’t lie; my Dexter-buddy (hey Aditya, if you’re reading this!) and I spent the earlier portion of the season wondering when Julia Stiles would show up. We theorized that she might be a reincarnation of Lila (heaven forbid!), or Harrison’s nurse. Suffice to say, I’m pleased that she’s not either of those things.
Anyway, there were one thing I found particularly interesting about this episode: Julia Stiles’ character’s name (thank God that we know this, because I would hate to spend the remainder of the season calling her Julia Stiles, and probably eventually referring to her as Kat Stratford, or her from The Bourne Trilogy) – Lumen. I should probably warn you now; I have a particularly hard boner for names that have some sort of thematic significance.
As a biology nerd, Lumen initially made me think of cavities within the body – a particularly gruesome name, and oddly fitting for a character on Dexter. Dark humor of the name aside, the word lumen seems strangely reflective of our favorite murderer himself –embedded within his rituals and habits, but deeply hollow after Rita’s death. It also seems allusive to the gory nature of the Santa Meurte killing – stuffing body parts into cavities (or lumens) carved out by the murderers. Whether or not our Lumen has a direct tie to these killings (although, I’m inclined to think she doesn’t), it makes the season seem more coherent from the get go.
A quick Wikipedia search on lumen yielded a second definition: the SI unit of luminous flux (a measure of the power of light perceived by the human eye.) Thematically, season four of Dexter centered on his inability to balance his homicidal tendencies with his responsibilities as a father. He tried, and failed miserably, to use Trinity as a model – leading to the huge clusterfuck that was the last few episodes of the season (“hello Dexter Morgan” – need I say more? And on that note, I’m very very interested in how this Kyle Butler business is going to be resolved and whether Quinn will meet a demise much like Doakes when he was delving too far into Dexter’s private affairs.) And by the end of the season, going into the first episode of this one, it seemed as though Dexter’s role as a family man had all but dissipated, and he became more dark – subsumed with random bouts of rage and losing his typical cool on a kill. I feel as though this season will bookend the last one – which had Dexter coming to terms with one of the darkest moments of his life (I’d say that knowing that Harrison saw Rita get hacked to pieces – along with the fact that Rita is gone – is much more difficult for Dexter to handle than the origin of his own Dark Passenger) – and present a less mangled face to Dexter: like the entire season will be like The Beauty and the Beast (coincidentally, the title of this episode), with Dexter being redeemed somewhat of his guilt over Rita’s death with Lumen’s help.
Although, hopefully he won’t be redeemed too much – I’d like to be around for Dexter season six.
Of course, the cliffhanger of last week’s episode was Julia Stiles watching Dexter hack creepo murderer Boyd to death. I won’t lie; my Dexter-buddy (hey Aditya, if you’re reading this!) and I spent the earlier portion of the season wondering when Julia Stiles would show up. We theorized that she might be a reincarnation of Lila (heaven forbid!), or Harrison’s nurse. Suffice to say, I’m pleased that she’s not either of those things.
Anyway, there were one thing I found particularly interesting about this episode: Julia Stiles’ character’s name (thank God that we know this, because I would hate to spend the remainder of the season calling her Julia Stiles, and probably eventually referring to her as Kat Stratford, or her from The Bourne Trilogy) – Lumen. I should probably warn you now; I have a particularly hard boner for names that have some sort of thematic significance.
As a biology nerd, Lumen initially made me think of cavities within the body – a particularly gruesome name, and oddly fitting for a character on Dexter. Dark humor of the name aside, the word lumen seems strangely reflective of our favorite murderer himself –embedded within his rituals and habits, but deeply hollow after Rita’s death. It also seems allusive to the gory nature of the Santa Meurte killing – stuffing body parts into cavities (or lumens) carved out by the murderers. Whether or not our Lumen has a direct tie to these killings (although, I’m inclined to think she doesn’t), it makes the season seem more coherent from the get go.
A quick Wikipedia search on lumen yielded a second definition: the SI unit of luminous flux (a measure of the power of light perceived by the human eye.) Thematically, season four of Dexter centered on his inability to balance his homicidal tendencies with his responsibilities as a father. He tried, and failed miserably, to use Trinity as a model – leading to the huge clusterfuck that was the last few episodes of the season (“hello Dexter Morgan” – need I say more? And on that note, I’m very very interested in how this Kyle Butler business is going to be resolved and whether Quinn will meet a demise much like Doakes when he was delving too far into Dexter’s private affairs.) And by the end of the season, going into the first episode of this one, it seemed as though Dexter’s role as a family man had all but dissipated, and he became more dark – subsumed with random bouts of rage and losing his typical cool on a kill. I feel as though this season will bookend the last one – which had Dexter coming to terms with one of the darkest moments of his life (I’d say that knowing that Harrison saw Rita get hacked to pieces – along with the fact that Rita is gone – is much more difficult for Dexter to handle than the origin of his own Dark Passenger) – and present a less mangled face to Dexter: like the entire season will be like The Beauty and the Beast (coincidentally, the title of this episode), with Dexter being redeemed somewhat of his guilt over Rita’s death with Lumen’s help.
Although, hopefully he won’t be redeemed too much – I’d like to be around for Dexter season six.
The Walking Dead: Days Gone By (S1E1)
Brand new show from the AMC Network: The Walking Dead released 10/31.
I have no clue what it's about except there's zombies and it's based off of a graphic novel. So, ready for the pilot? Let's go!
I'm going to talk about 3-4 main scenes/story lines that we get from the first episode. And some other side comments that I have.
I have no clue what it's about except there's zombies and it's based off of a graphic novel. So, ready for the pilot? Let's go!
I'm going to talk about 3-4 main scenes/story lines that we get from the first episode. And some other side comments that I have.
- Opening sequence
- The show started off with a sheriff walking through a camping site/gas station looking for some gas, what he ended up finding were dead bodies, tents and random stuff strewed around everywhere...what he found was some young zombie girl, scared shitless, the police officer shoots the girl down.
- I must say, the make up staff did an incredible job! The zombies not only look effing creepy, they look pretty real.
- Shoot out
- So we see Rick Grimes get shot and hospitalized, and then see him wake up to a deserted hospital. The hospital is a mess, dead bodies, bullet holes, and a looked room full of what I'm guessing are zombies. He ventures around the hospital and eventually meets up with a father and a child (Morgan and Duane), where he learns about what happened, and the what the hell those walking things are: zombies.
- Rick is steadfast in believing that his wife and child are still alive because they packed up some of their house, including photo albums, so he is doing everything he can to find them.
- One of the saddest parts is when Morgan tries to shoot his wife because it haunts both him and his son. He didn't have it in him to kill her the first time around when she got bit and turned into a zombie and now he has to make the serious decision of whether or not to shoot her. It's hard, you want to shoot the one you love in order to save them, yet you can't bear to let them go.
- Trip to Atlanta
- Promise of Refugee camps and CDC??
- Rick leaves the father and son and heads toward Atlanta. It is also deserted from any sort of human life and filled with zombies. No refugee camps, no CDC, no humans. Just him and his horse. (Well, at least when it was still alive).
- It was actually quite scary in Atlanta, the most interesting part of the show, I think.
- Other minor things
- You see in the show that there are other people who are alive, but you have no idea where they are. I think that this show will focus on all the humans banding together to fight against the Zombies? Is that the point of the show? Human struggle?
- There were a lot of religious phrases painted in blood on the walls of the houses where people were killed. What does this mean and how are they going to work this into the show? Is God the underlying theme in the mayhem of the zombie apocalypse??
General Overview:
Not going to lie, I was really bored so I stopped watching it about 10 minutes in. But I kept going, after an hour or so, because in my mind I thought that it would be a good show due to what everyone else said. I just couldn't give up on it just yet.
And, this KEPT reminding me of "I Am Legend," this only man left in the world and instead of "Dark Seekers" we have zombies. The similarities are so parallel, this is the main thought that was streaming through my head the whole time. To be fair, I haven't seen "I Am Legend" in quite a while, so I might just be crazy, but what do you guys think?
The other main things that was bothering me: WHO THE HELL ARE THESE PEOPLE? I don't know any of their names so I had to IMDB/Wiki it. It bothered me so much, I was like okay THIS GUY is that guy. And THIS GUY must be that guy. Why oh why are you (ie the producers) making me work so hard for this? Don't they know that it's hard to relate to characters if we have no idea what their names are?
And, this KEPT reminding me of "I Am Legend," this only man left in the world and instead of "Dark Seekers" we have zombies. The similarities are so parallel, this is the main thought that was streaming through my head the whole time. To be fair, I haven't seen "I Am Legend" in quite a while, so I might just be crazy, but what do you guys think?
The other main things that was bothering me: WHO THE HELL ARE THESE PEOPLE? I don't know any of their names so I had to IMDB/Wiki it. It bothered me so much, I was like okay THIS GUY is that guy. And THIS GUY must be that guy. Why oh why are you (ie the producers) making me work so hard for this? Don't they know that it's hard to relate to characters if we have no idea what their names are?
Overall, the show isn't bad. The acting is amazing which I think is what really makes the show good. That and the makeup. Fantastically disgusting! You believe the characters and their stories and their struggles. It'll be interesting to see how this show will pan out in the future. If I was in Rick's position I think I would've shot myself by now. This is crazy.
The show was actually well received all around by critics, with even some sites giving the show an "A" for it's film quality cinematic style. I think that is a little too over the top for just the pilot.
Boardwalk Empire, on the other hand, is a whole different ball game. Critics need to watch that show before they give The Walking Dead that high of a rating. Not only is Boardwalk Empire also a brand new series, it is also amazingly filmed, the acting is great, the time era is fantastical, and it's NOT boring. Oh yeah, and Boardwalk Empire also received an extraordinary amount positive reviews by the critics.
Yes yes, I know that I can't compare these two shows side by side, after all, they're talking about completely different things...
Final Thoughts:
I will keep watching the show for a couple more episodes. Not entirely MOVED yet, but maybe it'll change my mind. Oh yeah, and the zombies are freaking scary, must bring a pillow to hide behind. Next episode please!
Yes yes, I know that I can't compare these two shows side by side, after all, they're talking about completely different things...
Final Thoughts:
I will keep watching the show for a couple more episodes. Not entirely MOVED yet, but maybe it'll change my mind. Oh yeah, and the zombies are freaking scary, must bring a pillow to hide behind. Next episode please!
The Big Bang Theory: The Big Bran Hypothesis (S1E2)
Brain and Brainier agreed to help Cheesecake-scented-goddess Penny receive her new furniture since she'd be away at work. Yet another one of Leonard's tireless effort to gain odds at winning Penny's heart, which is really sweet because we all know every girl needs a docile guy who's willing to be her handyman anytime :)
With some great physical difficulty, they managed to get the furniture into Penny's apartment but soon discovered that Penny's apt resembled more of a place hit by tornado than a living space. The ever finicky Sheldon resolved to clean it up because he couldn't stand knowing that just across the hall there's a whole vortex of mess!
He sneaked into her apartment at night, Leonard found out and ended up giving a helping hand, but of course that created another problem when Penny found out the next morning. Because it's just beyond CREEPY for people to sneak onto others while they are sleeping just to clean their apartments.
So good neighbor relationship seemed ruined for all at first but after a couple of awkward but sincere apologies and a promise to help build the media center, it seemed that everyone got along fine in the end even though I foresee that it'd be a longgggggg time before any of them get into any romance with the only girl in that floor :)
I'm sooo rooting for Penny x Leonard even though they couldn't be more wrong for each first. hehehe.
With some great physical difficulty, they managed to get the furniture into Penny's apartment but soon discovered that Penny's apt resembled more of a place hit by tornado than a living space. The ever finicky Sheldon resolved to clean it up because he couldn't stand knowing that just across the hall there's a whole vortex of mess!
He sneaked into her apartment at night, Leonard found out and ended up giving a helping hand, but of course that created another problem when Penny found out the next morning. Because it's just beyond CREEPY for people to sneak onto others while they are sleeping just to clean their apartments.
So good neighbor relationship seemed ruined for all at first but after a couple of awkward but sincere apologies and a promise to help build the media center, it seemed that everyone got along fine in the end even though I foresee that it'd be a longgggggg time before any of them get into any romance with the only girl in that floor :)
I'm sooo rooting for Penny x Leonard even though they couldn't be more wrong for each first. hehehe.
Dexter: Practically Perfect (S5E3)
So this will be the last of my commentaries on Season 5 of Dexter since Nivisaur will be handling the continuation of the season. I've been working my ass off trying to make all the shows I'm watching up to date, so she'll take over from here. We have different recap formats, just to warn you. Her posts are probably better than mine. HAHA. Less crazy questions and random WTFs about what happened in the episode. So here's for my last one. Cheers! :)
New and continued story lines on in this episode:
We're slowly inching toward the bulk of the season so I'm pretty excited!
Once again, this is my last Dexter post as Nivisaur will be taking over the rest of the season! :)
New and continued story lines on in this episode:
- Nanny for Harrison :)
- Deb is like the funniest interviewer ever...she asks like the strangest questions ever! I like when episodes start off like this, it makes it more fun :) OMG. And Harrison aka "Prince Harry" is the cutest white baby EVER! His smile is like soooo heart breaking! :)
- HAHAHAH OMG. I love how Dexter is so protective of Harrison! He calls Sonya to remind her about how Harrison likes the puppy blanket just touching his face during the nap time :) SO ANAL, yet so fatherly of him! The rest of his checklist is just as entertaining with "blue bear is his animal of choice" and the blinds have to be 3/4 closed LOL. Dexter's actually a pretty good Dad! :)
- Sonya is actually kind of creepy too...HMMM..I'm a little worried no? Am I just being paranoid like Deb? What do you guys think?
- Dexter + Quinn + FBI?
- Quinn is getting all suspicious on Dexter's ass by thinking that he's actually Kyle Butler. This definitely reminds me of Sgt. Doakes from Season 2.
- Dexter + Harrison~!
- Psychologist! Dexter's scared that Harrison will grow up to be just like him because he was sitting in the pool of blood just like him! :( "I really think your son is going to be perfectly fine!" --> LOL and then Harrison popped off the head of the little man. HAHA. How Dexter-y of him! :)
- Shady shady Boyd Fowler...
- According to a fowler is the hunting, killing, or trapping of birds. Will this be the overarching theme of the new season? Something to do with birds? Theories anyone?
- Will he be the one that Dexter finally kills? He hasn't killed anyone yet this season and it's been 2 episodes already and he hasn't killed anyone and he needn't Harry reminding him about all the little mistakes he's making along the way like killing during daylight, but Dex seems pretty adamant about this so, we'll see how it goes and where it takes us. Answer: YES! First kill of the season! :)
- Dexter is being a bad stalker...Boyd recognized him at the Cafe! Is this a new thing of his, meeting the people who he's eventually going to kill? Much like Trinity from last season? And using more aliases? He's digging himself into a huge shit hole! AHH! It seems really weird that Dex can relate to all the people that he's killing, and this might be a very bad thing, it might affect who and how he's going to kill people from now on, which is not following his "code."
- BAHAHAHA OMG. Dexter tried to kill Boyd by dosing him unconscious and ended up getting shot by a tranquilizer dart! Yes, so they're now both in the ambulance together...all when Dex thought that the universe was finally going his way, something like this happens...tension tension...
- Damn, and now he's killing him in Boyd's home, using newspaper rather than his standard plastic tarps and using a butcher knife rather than his standard chainsaw. Lol and he collect Boyd's blood with a petri dish rather than slides. Damn dude. Dexter is desperate for this kill...also probably because Boyd was onto what Dexter was doing...
- And the Julia Stiles character caught him killing BOYD! OMG! DAMN! And I thought it was his love interest, not some weird battered girl at Boyd's door. I really wonder why Boyd said that he was putting people out of their mystery, maybe the next episode might explain??
- Santa Muerte & Officer Cira Manzon
- Deb and Officer Manzon are really making headway on this case, it turned from thinking that it was drug related, to spousal murder, and now to kidnapping and ransom? There's just more and more people dying and getting involved! Damn, this case is so complicated. Maybe it's building up the new series enemy for reals?
- Damn it, so last week I thought the story line with Angel and Maria and the moneywasn't an issue, and now since he beat that guy's ass up for calling Maria "his sugar mama" he's in danger of losing his job?? AHHH. Dexter creators, why are there so many story lines to follow up on?!
- Final question: are the kids ever coming back??
We're slowly inching toward the bulk of the season so I'm pretty excited!
Once again, this is my last Dexter post as Nivisaur will be taking over the rest of the season! :)
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
The Walking Dead
New series alert!
The Walking Dead premiered on Sunday (10/31) from the AMC network. The AMC network has only had only a couple of original series so far, namely Mad Men, and that show blew up and got like millions of Emmy's, and I missed it, sadly, need to catch up on my Mad Men for reals! Four seasons worth... But I am going to start review The Walking Dead, it's about zombies and based off of a comic book, so everyone, let's all watch it together! Look forward to some reviews~!
Quick blurb from Wiki on what it's about:
The Walking Dead tells the story of the aftermath of a zombie apocalypse and follows a small group of survivors traveling across the Aneruca in search of a new home away from the hordes of zombies. The group is led by Rick Grimes, who was a police officer in the old world. As their situation grows more and more grim, the group's desperation to survive pushes them to do almost anything to stay alive.
The Walking Dead premiered on Sunday (10/31) from the AMC network. The AMC network has only had only a couple of original series so far, namely Mad Men, and that show blew up and got like millions of Emmy's, and I missed it, sadly, need to catch up on my Mad Men for reals! Four seasons worth... But I am going to start review The Walking Dead, it's about zombies and based off of a comic book, so everyone, let's all watch it together! Look forward to some reviews~!
Quick blurb from Wiki on what it's about:
The Walking Dead tells the story of the aftermath of a zombie apocalypse and follows a small group of survivors traveling across the Aneruca in search of a new home away from the hordes of zombies. The group is led by Rick Grimes, who was a police officer in the old world. As their situation grows more and more grim, the group's desperation to survive pushes them to do almost anything to stay alive.
Top 5 Movies That I'm Looking Forward To...
Hey guys, so I know this blog is mostly about TV shows, but I just want to tell you some of the Top 5 movies that I'm looking forward to in the next couple of months, not going to lie, I'm looking to bumming around and watching movies during the winter break, but I'll be in Taipei, Shanghai and London so I can't really. Sad about the movies, but also excited about these movies...
- Black Swan
- Release Date: December 1st, 2010
- Story line:
- A dark and suspense filled movie about the inner workings and rivalry of the Ballet World. Nina spent most of her life obsessed with rising up in the ballet world, yet it is threatened by a competing dancer, Lily. Sounds lame and childish? Definitely not. It is rated R after all, does anyone know about any other ballet movie that is rated R? When it opened for the Venice Film Festival, at the end, there was a standing ovation from the crowd full of critics and film buffs. Are you a little more interested now?
- Main Actors/Actresses
- Natalie Portman, Mila Kunis, Winona Ryder
- Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Part I)
- Release Date: November 19th, 2010
- Story Line:
- For all those who love Harry Potter, the movies are finally coming to an end. Sad. Good for the people who think that HP is totally overrated I guess, that's how I feel about the Twilight trilogy after all. For those of you who've read the books, you definitely know what's going down here and understand why it's being split into two movies. Every chapter, every page, every word in this book is absolutely tied into the ultimate end of the Harry Potter series. Harry Potter along with Ron and Hermione venture around the Wizarding world looking for the Hocruxes to finally destroy Voldemort after all. For serious Potter fans, I recommend reading the book beforehand to refresh your memory a little. I'm excited, are you? :) The HP movies just get better and better as time goes on, with better directors, cinematographers, and of course, most importantly: more experienced actors.
- Main Actors/Actresses:
- Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, and Rupert Grint
- TRON: Legacy
- Release Date: December 17th, 2010
- Story Line:
- This movie is released by Disney, which is exciting because Disney is releasing more and more non-PG movies! They're getting smarter by expanding their audiences to the older generation. Disney originally released this movie on a made-for-TV movie in the 1980s with "innovative" technology. So technically, this is actually a sequel!
- 20 years ago, Sam is still mad about how his Dad, a video game guru mysteriously disappeared. As he enters the world of TRON, which his dad created, he realizes that he has to help his father, Kevin Flynn, escape the virtual prison that has taken hold of his life.
- Another reason why I'm excited: Daft Punk is doing all of the music for the movie, so expect amazing music to come out of this movie~!
- Anyways, my favorite part about this movie: the use of B-list actors. it reminds me slightly of how Star Trek made Chris Pine, Zoe Saldana and John Cho household names. B-list actor movies I think are way better than using A-list actors, it sets the bar a little lower so when you do get blown away by the movie, you know it's because of the story line, not because Brad Pitt is just so hot.
- Main Actors/Actresses:
- Jeff Bridges, Olivia Wilde, Garret Hedlund
- The Green Hornet
- Release Date: January 14th, 2011
- Story line:
- Britt Reid is the typical trust fund baby, happily living the life of a directionless party animal. When his father mysteriously dies, he wants to become a superhero in order to give his life some meaning. With the help of his father's employees, Kato, he sets off on his mission of to battle criminals, by enforcing laws by breaking laws. They are the epitome of the unlikely surprise superheroes. Should be pretty funny, but the reason why I really want to watch this movie is because of Jay Chou, who is one of the most popular celebrities in Asia, I wonder what his English sounds like...
- Main Actors/Actresses:
- Seth Rogen & Jay Chou
- Due Date
- Release Date: November 5th, 2010
- Story Line
- Peter Highman is trying to get back to Atlanta to watch the live birth of his son, but his travel plans go awry when he runs into the wannabe actor: Ethan Tremblay. You can just imagine all the stuff these two get into because of their clashing personalities.
- Should be interesting, Hangover-y, funny, excited, a good comedy which is what we need from all these dark movies that are getting released
- Main Actors/actresses
- Robert Downey Jr., Zach Galifianakis
Monday, November 1, 2010
Gossip Girl: Easy J (S4E6)
Unanswered questions from the previous episode:
I always look forward to GG every week :) If not for the drama, than at least for the fabulous clothes~!
I always look forward to GG every week :) If not for the drama, than at least for the fabulous clothes~!
- Oooooh Juliet's whatever is being released today, maybe, hope so, nope? HAHA. Volunteer for prison literacy program my ass. It's her brother? So confused And then he jumped Nate's dad because he's a jealous big bro? UGH. DRAMA RAMA! At least Juliet and Nate are over!
- Omg. Hot for a teacher much? He's pretty damn hot though. Serena + Colin = doom. I see Serena getting expelled for reals this time...hmmmm. And ewwww. Serena's outfit = gross at the bachelor thingy. But I guess they'll put things on hold thanks to Lily's reverse psychology... Let's see how long that will last...I doubt it will last 7 weeks, maybe only 1 week. HAHA. Oh gosh, Serena why do you put yourself in these stupid situations?!
- Jenny's back! Ugh, hate her, but she brings a whole shit ton of loser drama. At least we'll see Constance Billard again or maybe she'll leave NY like she promised she would? Her extensions are so trashy, along with her shitastic makeup. Ugh, I just hate seeing her spray tanned face with her white blonde hair. Yuck. So annoying!
- Blair vs Jenny ( vs Chuck?) throwdown:
- First round: W-H-O-R-E at the Tim Gunn meeting! WOW! Blair = WINNER! Don't piss her off for reals, she'll ruin your future bitch! But I see a cat fight already!
- Second round: Jenny gets the interview with Tim, via Chuck. Blair is absent, aka automatic DQ. Jenny is the winner......but Blair is coming....>:)
- Third round: Gossip Girl Blast. Jenny threw everyone's reputation (ie Chuck and Blair's and HER's) out the fucking window in NY. Blair = freakout, therefore winner = Jenny. Guess little J is going to defy Queen B's orders and I thought that we'd see her permanently in GG but she's going back to Hudson?! WTF.
- So sadly, to announce the was Jenny. She left with the last word and with dignity while Blair was in scrambles with a ruined reputation. Damn.
- But at least that made Chuck and Blair's war officially come to a truce. But how will they
purposefullyaccidentally meet up if they have anysexualverbal foreplay whatsoever? Argh. Just get back together already! - WTF? Juliet + Colin have a connection too?! How many skeletons does this girl have in her closet????
- Also to top it all off, there are so many celebrities! Tim Gunn, Ivanka Trump, and Isaac Mizrahi in this episode. Crazy!
Gossip Girl: Goodbye, Columbia (S4E5)
Yay, I always wait all week long for GG to come out~! One of my fave shows ever. :)
Last week, Chuck declared war on Blair after she scared Eva away. Thank goodness Eva is gone, she was way too fucking annoying, too good to be true and Chuck went all strange. I'm glad to have the old conniving Chuck back, and it just so happens that he is fucking up all of Blair's plans! YES! The cast is officially back! :)
Main story lines:
Can't wait for the next episode...:)
Last week, Chuck declared war on Blair after she scared Eva away. Thank goodness Eva is gone, she was way too fucking annoying, too good to be true and Chuck went all strange. I'm glad to have the old conniving Chuck back, and it just so happens that he is fucking up all of Blair's plans! YES! The cast is officially back! :)
Main story lines:
- War between Chuck & Blair
- Once again, Chuck is trying to ruin all of Blair's plans as usual. I'm sad, I just really want them to get back together...:( Stop fighting~!!!!! Anyways, this time they were battling it out for the assistant job of the new professor at school. Chuck is apparently controlling one of Blair's minions to help him one up Blair. Everything ends in shit because the professor overhears them arguing over who has the better rumors on the professor. Lesson learned? Nothing. They're probably going to keep this war going for the rest of the season...lame.
- Serena Rumors
- STD Rumor
- Hmmmmm someone, basically Juliet, sent out a blast to GG about Serena having an STD which makes everyone go fucking apeshit. I feel like some of the lines were like rehearsed from a sex-ed video. "Even though the signs aren't there, you could still have an STD." Was this supposed to be informational for the younger viewers out there?????????
- Vanessa + Dan
- Vanessa has some serious trust issues with Dan STILL. Honestly get over it, he ended up choosing you over Serena in the last episode, stop fucking talking about how he and Serena slept together. ARGH. Jealous bitch on the loose!
- Juliet + Nate
- Nate is horny as hell and Juliet plants the STD rumor to deter him away from having sex since Ben saw a photo of them kissing. UGH. This rumor sucks but apparently it holds a lot of weight among the couples of GG. Whatever, they have sex in the end...
- Stolen cellphone and scandies email to the professor
- Juliet is playing off of Vanessa's jealous side by telling her to steal Serena's phone...and she sends this vicious e-mail to her professor about trading sex for grades...Doesn't this story line sound oddly familiar??? Anyways, Vanessa's lame moral ass caves in when she tries to tell the Dean that J & V had the phone but everything backfires and Vanessa ends up leaving in the end, without Dan...
- Unanswered Questions?
- Who the fuck is Ben? It's not really her brother...obviously.
- Is Juliet falling for Nate? Messy messy messy...
- How long is the war between C & B go on? Just give her the Harry Winston already! Please get married! I <3 you two together!
- What will happen to Dan and Vanessa? I hope they break up because they're like the boring married couple who fights about EVERYTHING. He's chill and fucks up all the time, and she's a jealous bitch. Disaster heaven!
- Who is the mysterious taxi man that Serena is involved with? He's kind of cute...:)
- Is Jenny finally coming back in the next episode? I need a new drama starter besides Juliet. She's getting fucking annoying.
Can't wait for the next episode...:)
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